19. We still going or?..

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(Whats this? I have... returned? Yes. From now on this book is gonna be written in third person opposed to how I originally planned to write it. Some stuff may not correlate with the chapters before this because of how long it's been since I updated. Also, this is kind of like a filler to get me used to writing them again. Also, Also I will probably post once a week so I can give myself time to write the rest of the chapters.)

For the first time in what might have been a long time, Blythe felt anxious as she got ready for her date with Ashton. She wasn't sure why she felt this way, had it been the cold exterior that Ashton carried? Or the fact that she hadn't been on a date in a while?

Blythe mustered up the best looking comfort clothing that she could find and couldn't help the insecure thoughts about whether she dressed good or not.

Little did she know Ashton was feeling the same way.

The suit that Ashton was currently wearing wasn't his first one. As a matter of fact 5 similar suits were laid out on his bed, none of them seeming good enough for his date with Blythe.

Ashton couldn't remember the last time he'd spent this long getting ready for a date, as a matter of fact he couldn't remember the last time he even went on a date.

An ironing board was set up in his room that he used to smoothen out his suit but even then he wasn't happy with the outcome. His hairstyle has changed numerous amounts of time and of course he disliked every single one of them.

To Ashton, Blythe seemed like a perfect woman. Everything about her was perfect and it didn't matter what she did in life because in the end she was still the perfect woman. If he hadn't found out that Blythe was assassin he more than likely wouldn't have been as nervous as he was today.

Blythe was someone that could kick his ass any day of the week at any time and that intimidated him the most. He didn't like the idea of people having power over him, but he was willing to let Blythe have that ability.

Maddox burst through the door. "Are you aware of what the time is? You're gonna be- What are you wearing?" Maddox scanned Ashton from head to toe, taking in the unusual outfit Ashton had chosen for the date. "Are you serious, Ashton?" Maddox scoffed. He shook his head as he smirked at the older man. "Your going on a picnic. Your gonna be sweating your balls off." Maddox chuckled as he exited the room. "That boy is whipped already." He murmured to himself.

Ashton took a deep breath in as he attempted to contain his anger from Maddox's words, he couldn't allow himself to mess up his appearance before his date.

As he walked to the car, Ashton checked his phone to see messages from Blythe.

We still going or?...

Ashton quickly sent a response as he cursed at himself before speeding off towards Blythe's house.

As soon as Blythe entered the vehicle there was an awkward tension between the two. This would be the first actual time they had spent time alone together and to add to that, Ashton wasn't much of a talker so Blythe was worried that the entire date would be like this. "So..." Blythe trailed off.

"Sorry for being late." Ashton apologized as he drove.

Blythe nodded her head slowly. "It's all good." She responded. Then they were met with silence once again. "You're wearing a suit." She acknowledged as her eyes trailed up and down his figure.

The suit seemed to fit him perfectly, while in some parts it loosely clung to his body, his arms were defined from how tight the fabric was around it.

Blythe would drool if she wasn't actually beside him.

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