18. Alonzo Valentino

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(WARNINGS: Violence in the flashback section

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(WARNINGS: Violence in the flashback section.)

I waited by my car, after receiving a text from Maddox saying he wanted to meet up, I decided that he was more important than anything that my boss had to offer, or in this case, order.

"Blythe, is it?" I was approached by a group of girls who were giggling away like a bunch of psychopaths. I nodded my head at their question. "I've noticed that you seem pretty close with our maths teacher, Mr Rivers." I surprisingly had never seen this girl in my life, even if she was in my classes. I guess that was what happens when you don't pay that much attention in class.

"Not really, he's just helping me with my work." I shrugged off their assumption as if it was nothing, if only they knew just how much there was to it.

"Well anyways, do you think you could put in a good word for me?" The girl, who I didn't even know the name of, battered her eyelashes as she pouted at me. On the inside I was gagging yet on the outside I was calm as I could be.

"What's your name?" The girl appeared shocked when I asked her that question, and her little minions behind her gasped as if this girl was the most important person here, well she probably is now that Sarah's out of the picture.

"Courtney Johnson, you don't know who I am?" From behind the girls, I could see Maddox making his way over to us, confusion written all over his face.

"Good news, Courtney, Mr Rivers is coming over here right now." The girl jumped as she quickly proceeded to fix her hair.

"How do I look?"

"Amazing." I scowled.

"Afternoon." Maddox greeted, his eyes flickered past the girls and over to me before he looked over at Courtney.

"Hi, Mr Rivers." She twirled her hair with her, overly pointed, fingernails. "I have a question to ask you, it's very important." Her voice dropped from her high-pitched, squeaky voice and turned into a more smoother tone. "Are you single by any chance. It's just, I think you're-"

"I'm not." Maddox replied. Courtney looked back at me with her mouth wide opened as she was stunned. I feigned sympathy for the girl when in reality I was trying to cover my smirk.

"Well, when you get sick of her, maybe you could come over sometime, and you know, study?"

"No thank you. If you girls don't mind, I have to talk with Miss Griffins about her test results." Maddox ushered the girls away with his hands and then groaned once they finally left. "Those girls." He sighed.

"I wonder what your girlfriend would think about those girls." I mocked the situation. "Courtney asked for me to put in a good word. I didn't even know who she was before this."

"Lucky for you, you don't have to worry about those girls, or anyone else for the matter, there's only one girl that I want." Maddox flashed me his signature smile.

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