45: Ashton's Time 🌺

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It's safe to say, Blythe had thoroughly enjoyed being wheeled around and acting like she was too injured to do anything, and it was certainly fun to boss around three grown men that were willing to do anything and everything for her.

One day she claimed that she was too sore to feed herself so she had Maddox spoon feed her dinner while she had big smile on her face the entire time.

Even though these things were fun, she was getting sick of being in the chair as she was restricted from doing a lot of things, for example, she couldn't even go to her room without the help of the others, considering it was upstairs and while Radley did suggest that he could have an elevator built in for her, Blythe rejected his idea and decided it was best for her to start walking on her own again.

Maddox and Radley were out working as they claimed, but Blythe could assume that this work had something to do with the man they held captive at their warehouse.

Ashton had been left to look after Blythe as he was actually banned from visiting Alonzo considering the hostage almost died when Ashton last saw him.

He was by Blythe's side the entire time, scared that if he separated from her for even a second then something bad would happen. He even made her come to their at home gym they had down in the basement.

Blythe had to watch the entire time as Ashton worked out, and boy was it wonderful.

At first he had a shirt on, but halfway through it got covered in sweat so he took it off and Blythe was blessed with the sight of his toned body, like Radley's but even better. Ashton didn't have many tattoos on his upper body, most of them littered all over his legs besides the occasional tattoo he had on his arms, the one on his hip that trailed down to his thigh and the ones he had on his hands.

Blythe got to see them all, and she was more than happy to admire him from a far that she got so distracted that she hadn't even realized that Ashton had finished his workout until he was stood in front of her. "I've gotta have a shower now." He said once Blythe snapped back to reality. The man was covered head to toe in sweat, his hair was sticking to his forehead, but that just made it all better.

Blythe bit her tongue to hold back any inappropriate comments as Ashton helped her walk up the stairs before going back down and getting her chair so she didn't have to walk the rest of the way.

While Ashton showered, he had commanded that Blythe stayed in his bedroom until he returned which only took around ten minutes when he exited the bathroom, with a towel around his waist while he was drying his hair. It was like Ashton was teasing her on purpose, although nothing about him gave it away that he was being cheeky.

"Hey, Ash. I've got a question?" Ashton hummed as he grabbed clothes from his closet. "Are you a virgin as well?" She asked. Ashton stopped sorting through clothes at what Blythe had asked. "It's just Radley said he was, which I didn't expect, so I thought I'd ask you as well since I don't expect you to be one either if you get what I mean."

Ashton was yet to say anything as got changed in his walk in wardrobe. He walked out of the room fully clad in a shirt and trousers. "Truthfully, yes." He admitted. "I've gotten sucked off but that's as far as it's gone."

"Seriously? Is Maddox as well?"

"Nah. He had sex in front of us one time." He said while walking back into the bathroom and placing his dirty clothes and towel in the hamper. "Why? Does it bother you?"

"Definitely not, arguably better if you ask me. At least I know I'm the first and only person to do that." She smiled proudly. "Just to let you know, I'm not though."

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