05. Blythe Griffin

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The last thing we wanted to do was teach for a bunch of college kids who were in the least bit disciplined, but we were recommended to do it to hide everything we had going on

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The last thing we wanted to do was teach for a bunch of college kids who were in the least bit disciplined, but we were recommended to do it to hide everything we had going on. At such a young age I had found myself lost in a big world, with problems more extreme than most people suffered through. I was only ten when I found myself in the hands of the Mafia. That was where I met the other two. Due to the fact that I was older than the other two, I felt the need to protect them and take them under my wing. At only the age of ten I had found myself looking after two boys I had considered my brothers. We stuck together throughout these times of our lives, and now we were high up in the ranks in the mafia world. I was the leader, no one disrespected me, and my two boys were my right-hands.

We were trained to fight and to kill, but most importantly, we were trained to protect the ones we love the most. Many times I had found myself with a stab wound or even shot just to protect the others, and I would do it again, over, and over.

Teaching had led us to working at a new college out of town from where we actually stayed. I had found myself working in the English side of teaching, and although I lacked a lot of knowledge in the English section, I gladly accepted the role. "Are you sure we have to do this?" Maddox asked. We were outside of the building, waiting for the bell to ring that would signal for us to go to class. None of us were ones to socialise, believe it or not, although Maddox was maybe a little more interested than we were. As I looked passed Maddox, my eyes landed on a girl in her car. She had already been looking my way as I noticed her cheeks begin to turn a red. Our eyes connected for an intense stare off as I felt an unusual feeling inside my chest. I felt oddly warm, and something inside of me made me want to run over and protect her with everything I had. "What are you looking at?" I ignored Maddox's question and continued looking at the girl. As the other two boys looked her way, she broke our eye contact. "Wow." I heard Maddox mutter. Maddox was then hit in the arm by Ashton who surprisingly didn't have his common frown on his face. "I'm already loving this day." Maddox said. We watched as he walked forward to the girl who was now making her way to her class. "Excuse me!" The girl looked our way and then froze. "Could you point us in the direction of the classes we'll be teaching?" She looked over at the schedule that Maddox held out to her.

"I have maths with you so I can show you." When I heard those words come out of her mouth, my heart skipped a beat. I was confused on what it was exactly that I was feeling. Of course, I had been with my fair share of girls, but never once had any of them made me feel this way. "As for you two, both of your classes are in the E wing." She pointed us in the direction of where our classes were, but I was too distracted by her looks.

I had only begun to snap out of it when she walked off with Maddox following behind her. My eyes lingered on her as Maddox turned around and smirked at us. "Piece of shit." I muttered under my breath. Ashton had kept quiet the entire time as we walked off into the direction of where our classes were.

"She's something." Ashton spoke up. I didn't miss the looks we received from the students wandering around, they were looks of confusion and some of disbelief. I internally sighed as I got ready for the day we had a head of us. 

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