37: Two Looooong Weeks

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Two weeks had passed since Blythe had been jumped in her own home, that was fixed up and sold, and two long weeks of Blythe's face healing back to normal where the only thing left was a slight scar above her cheek that was still in the healing process.

The first couple of days during the healing process was awkward between Blythe and her boys. They had made it there mission to avoid her at all costs which affected Blythe more than she'd like to admit.

For the first time in a while, Blythe Griffin had cried. She thought that she had screwed up the relationship when not a single one of them wanted to stay in the same room as her, until she confronted them one night after having enough.

Blythe walked through the hallway to Radley's office where the boys had been staying in for the majority of the time. She had let her emotions get the best of her not even an hour ago but now that she wasn't sobbing into her pillow she was going to confront them on their absence.

She stopped just outside the door and put on her best fake smile before, without even knocking, pushing through the door.

The boys stopped what they were doing and turned their attention onto Blythe. "What going on in here?" She asked.

The three kept quiet with Ashton glancing over at Radley for some sort of explanation to give. The smile on Blythe's face dropped as she received only awkward looks from her boyfriends. "Seriously? Even when I'm right in front of you, you guys are going to ignore me?" She scowled.

"We aren't ignoring you," Radley said with a sigh.

"So you haven't been avoiding my entire existence these past two weeks? I can't even remember the last time I had a conversation with one of you, but that must just be me since you haven't been ignoring me." Her mind was racing as she stared back at Radley trying not to cry as he gave no sign of remorse or empathy for the way she felt.

"I'm sorry-" Radley attempted to apologize but was cut off by Blythe.

"-there you go again with that stupid word you never actually mean. I don't even know why I bothered." She mumbled the last part to herself before turning around and storming back out, slamming the door behind her for added affect.

Blythe hated the way Radley would always apologize in a monotone voice with no ounce of care. She was already used to hearing people dryly apologize with no meaning to it, and now she had listen to her own boyfriend apologize with what she felt were lies because that was all she had ever known.

A nap was what Blythe had needed, after bawling her eyes out for the second time that day, she was exhausted to say the least, and when she finally got the voices in her mind to settle she was able to fall asleep to pass the time.

When she woke up she could feel a weight on the side of her bed and when she rolled over, Radley was there. "I'm sorry- I know you don't believe me when I say it but I am, I promise I am, Blythe. I fuck up a lot, I'm trying not to but I can't help it-"

"It's not just you-"

"-but it is though. Whenever you've been mad at us it's when I've told them what to do. They never want to through with it but I never listen. I just- I thought you wanted space, so I told them to leave you alone. I didn't know it was affecting you that much."

Blythe had come to the realization at what Radley was trying to say. Two weeks ago when Blythe had requested that she wanted some alone time in order to not go mad, Radley had misunderstood and taken it seriously. All of what Blythe was thinking couldn't be further from the truth, while she thought he didn't care about her feelings it was actually the opposite, everything he had done was because he thought it would help her all because of a miscommunication.

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