09. Daydreaming

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I felt like the only girl in the room every time Mr Knight looked in my direction. He was consistently looking over at me as if we were having a one-on-one conversation. I never missed the glances I would receive from the other students every other time Mr Knight's eye flickered over to me. I felt awkward as I had the book that Mr Knight bought me, open on, most likely, the wrong page. I hadn't been able to focus at all since I entered the classroom. My thoughts would constantly drift off to yesterday's events. I strangely enjoyed the day I had, even if most of it was school related.

My eyes were glued to the page but the last thing I was doing was reading. I was floating in and out of focus between everything going on and the sound of Mr Knight's voice. "-Blythe?" My head snapped up when I heard my name being called. "Can you answer my question?" He asked politely. I felt embarrassed as I hadn't actually heard his question.

"Could you repeat the question?" I mumbled.

"Can you summarise chapter 13 for the class?" What I felt before was now even worse. I couldn't remember a damn thing about what happened in the previous chapters, let alone the one we were currently reading. "All you have to do is repeat what your fellow pupil just explained." My eye twitched at his tone of voice. He sounded as if he was mocking me, like he knew just how distracted I was.

"I'm sorry sir, I can't." I bowed my head and allowed the hair that framed my face, fall down to cover myself from the utter embarrassment.

I tried my hardest to pay attention for the rest of the class until my mind went into a completely dark direction.


I was huddled into a corner with knees to my chest and my arms wrapped tightly around my legs. It was almost completely dark out, beside the singular dull streetlight. I was numb to the cold, being out here for so long made me that way. I wasn't sure what time of the night it was at this very moment, but I knew I had to go back to my back-alley way soon. I couldn't risk being out in the open this late at night, especially with how weak I was.

I slowly stood from where I was sat, my legs shaking with every step. My eyes were wide opened, but at the same time I felt as if I was on the verge of collapsing from exhaustion.

I stumbled as I made my way through the alleyway that would lead to where I usually stayed. I must have been so out of it that I missed the hushed whispers being exchanged between two men, only noticing as I turned the corner.

I froze as my eyes landed on the two men, one of which was glaring with authority as he held a gun to the head of the cowering guy. Both heads snapped my way. "Help-" In the blink of an eye, the bullet went straight through the guy's skull and his eyes glazed over. He collapsed to his knees and swayed to the side before he finally hit the ground, blood dripping from his bullet wound. The guy with the gun had his face covered by a black mask, the only thing I was able to see were his eyes. They were dark, dull even, no colour or sign of life in them. He looked dead, but alive at the same time. His aura was one of a psychopath's, yet I couldn't bring myself to walk away. Instead, I stared into his grey, lifeless eyes.

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