33: Big Big Things

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Blythe had found herself wearing a red dress that was tight at the top and flowed out towards the end that stopped mid thigh. She found it to be the perfect combination of sexy and comfortable for the date that her and Radley would be going on.

Radley was the only one out of the three to actually tell Blythe where they were going before the date happened and she was actually glad that was the case, it gave her time to dress for the appropriate occasion.

She smiled as they pulled up to the museum that Blythe had desperately wanted to go to but never had the chance to do so. And her smile never left her face as the two of the them entered the museum and were immediately welcomed by a large room painted with different colored and shapes. Each line painted a story that could only be shown to those that could understand a deeper meaning of life itself.

Hand in hand they began their adventure of admiring art pieces from different times and different countries. "I wanna go to a museum and find my art in there one day." Blythe admitted.

Every time she would finish a new painting she would imagine it being hung up for everyone to view and enjoy, but she never took part in any of the exhibitions they held at school.

"I've never seen your art before. You'll have to show me. We can hang them up back home." Radley suggested while he himself gazed at some of the artwork, only the artwork he was admiring was the beautiful girl in front of him that was completely hypnotized by each piece of work.

Radley would compliment her all day if he was able to, but it seemed that he found himself speechless every time he tried to, he could never find the right words to describe the beauty he had right in front of his own eyes (it's me, I'm the problem, I can't find the right words) his eyes told a story that no one would ever understand, but to him it was more than obvious. He was in love.

"How often do you come here?" Blythe asked as it seemed that Radley knew his way around without having to look at any floor plans.

"Enough to know where they store their pieces that are waiting to be hung up." Radley smirked as he looked down at Blythe. "Come on."

"This is illegal, Radley." Blythe murmured as she continuously looked around suspiciously.

"You're forgetting who we are, sweetheart." Radley raised an eyebrow while looking back at Blythe who wasn't too impressed with the sneaking around they were doing. "You'll have a change of heart when you see everything, don't you worry your pretty little head."

And Radley was indeed right. Blythe almost forgot they were supposed to be sneaking in when she rushed forward to get a closer look at a large painting that was sat in the middle of the room on a canvas. Radley grabbed her wrist before she could get any closer to triggering the senses. "Let's not run around, now." He mumbled as he pulled her close.

The room itself was like a massive empty theatre without all the chairs. It was evidently a work in progress that Radley managed to discover one day.

"The balcony doesn't have security." He pulled her up until they reached the very top where they could look down at everything.

"How did you even find this?" Blythe asked, the pure amazement and joy on her features made Radley happy.


They sat in silence for a little while just simply enjoying the presence of one another before they finally brought up the conversation they were itching to talk about. "Why did you guys do it?" Blythe whispered as she glanced over at Radley.

"Everything was me, they didn't want to. Don't be mad at them." He started off. "You already know who we are, there's people out to get us, and they'll stop at nothing to do so. I didn't want you hurt so I selfishly made a dumb decision thinking it would solve everything but it made things worse and I'm sorry. I thought I'd you moved in with us then everything would be solved but I didn't think about how it would affect you, just how it would affect us." He explained.

"You could've just asked. I probably would've said yes." She picked at the skin around her nails anxiously as the conversation deepened, something Radley noticed and placed his hand on top of her own to stop her.

"I realize that now. I just don't want you to blame everyone else when it was all me. I should've been honest from the beginning. I'm not very good at the whole relationship thing, especially not a serious one. You mean so much to me Blythe and the thought of you getting hurt scared me." Blythe wasn't sure how to respond to Radley's words. "I've lost just about everyone for things I could have done differently. The only people I have left is the other two and that's because we're close 24/7. I can protect the people close to me, I can't do that when your so far away." And for once, Blythe could finally understand why Radley was the way that he was.

"Your not selfish for wanting to protect people, Radley. I get it. When you're used to losing people you only think so far ahead. I appreciate you wanting to protect me, but that needs to be something you discuss with me. You need to start telling me the truth and stop lying. I don't want to be paranoid thinking about all these problems that aren't actually real." Her voice was genuine, she was honest and confident, but behind all that cover she wanted to burst into tears.

"I will." He nodded his head.

"Promise." The pinky finger came out making Radley turn away.

"I'm not doing-"

"Radley, pinky promise me." She sighed.

He looked down at her finger before connecting his own, much bigger pinky finger with Blythe's. "Are we good?" He asked.

Blythe leaned and kissed the corner of his mouth. "Yeah, we're good." She smiled.

An almost unnoticeable pout found it's way on Radley's lips as he stared at Blythe. "That wasn't a proper kiss." He mumbled remembering the make out sesh he thoroughly enjoyed even if he wasn't apart of it.

"I don't know if you deserve it yet." She huffed as she crossed her arms and turned away.

"Blythe..." he trailed off. His hands were itching to reach over and pull her into him by her throat but he restrained himself from doing so, for now. "Come here." His voice stern, as he demanded her to come closer.

Blythe bit her lip at the tone of his voice but nevertheless she stuck to her word. "Blythe." Although he didn't grab her by the neck, he grabbed her arm and pulled her close. "I don't like being ignored." His eyes were trained on her lips as her tongue flicked out to moisten then. "Give me a kiss." His lip jutted out again and his pout was more noticeable this time.

"You're cute like this." She muttered before shoving her lips onto his own.

His hands were on her waist as he pulled her as close as possible as their lips mashed together. Radley could hardly contain himself as he leaned back against the railing. Blythe's hands were tangled in his hair while Radley was stopping himself from grabbing her hair and yanking it all the way back so he could mark up her neck with pretty dark bruises that would stain for days.

Unconsciously, Blythe rolled her hips forwards to bring herself closer than she already was. "Fuck." Radley hissed as he pulled away and rested his head on her shoulder.

This time Blythe was more than happy to grind herself down once again, well aware  of what she was doing. "Keep doing that I'll fuck you here for everyone to hear." He grunted into her ear before kissing his way back down.

As much as Blythe was down for that, she didn't want to fuck Radley for the first time out in public where anyone could find them, especially when they weren't allowed to be where they were. "Maybe next time, big guy." And she wasn't referring to his height.

" And she wasn't referring to his height

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(Oh big pee pee?)

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