29: A Good Date This Time

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The next day everyone ended up in Radley's office, shock. But this time it was something more important than anything that had previously happened.

Studying for English.

"I hate this." Blythe glared down at the book she was supposed to already have read 6 chapters of, but her bookmark was still on the 3rd page.

"Same." Maddox sighed as he picked up the book and examined it.

"Nobody told you to come." Blythe snatched the book from his hand and slammed it back down on the table.

No one missed the smirk that Maddox flashed everyone. "I'll come any time you tell me to." If the book that they were reading hadn't been so thick she would have lobbed it straight at his head, so she didn't.

Ashton did though.

The scream that Maddox let out made Blythe damn near cackle and fall out of her seat as she couldn't imagine that kind of sound coming out of him. "Can you two stop. Your distracting her." Radley wasn't anywhere near impressed with the situation at hand and even though he hated English just as much as Blythe, it was his job to tutor her and he would take any opportunity to spend more time with her.

"Okay. Okay. Fine, we'll leave you two to it. Come on, asshole." The last word was muffled but Ashton heard it loud and clear as he chased Maddox out of the room leaving Blythe and Radley alone for what was probably the first time ever since the relationship started.

"I can't believe you hate English as well." Blythe said to fill the tension in the room.

"It's stupid." Radley was sorting out different papers that he really didn't want to go through but he would eventually have to.

"Then what do you like?" Blythe asked as she closed the book. While Radley knew she was trying to do anything to get away from studying he still found himself falling into her little trap.

"Your the student here. You hate English, you hate Maths and you hate Sport. So, what do you like?" Radley flipped Blythe's question around while dropping the papers and giving her his full attention making Blythe flustered as she shifted around in her seat.

Radley's eyes were her favorite thing about him so far. They were a dark brown, but light enough so that you could find a pattern in them, and his sharp gaze made her feel intimidated by them, a good intimidation.

"I like art." Radley nodded his head to show that he was in fact listening and not zoning out. "It's interesting. I guess." Blythe smiled shyly.

"The other day you were pissed off at me and now you can't even look me in the eyes." Radley pointed out making Blythe even more flustered as her cheeks heated up.

"Spur of the moment." She shrugged her shoulders. "I was already mad and you just pissed me off more."

"That doesn't explain why you won't look at me now."

"Your hot!" Blythe accidently blurted out loud.

The silence in the room made it even worse as Blythe's mouth felt like running faster than her mind could process what she was saying.

Her face was beyond red, not that you could tell as she had her head buried in her hands from embarrassment.

Nevertheless, Radley had an amused smirk on his face as he let out a breathy chuckle. "Get back to work, Blythe."


Ashton stood in front of the mirror, but this time he had ditched the suit and tie and instead went for something more casual. He had taken note of what Blythe was wearing when he saw her earlier and decided that he would color coordinate his outfit to match with hers. He was thankful that she was wearing a grey hoodie and black pants otherwise he probably would have struggled as it appeared he didn't own a single article of clothing in color.

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