32: They have been forgiven, dont worry

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It had been a week of staying at Riley's house, and he had done everything possible to get Blythe's mind away from her relationship for a couple of days. He tried giving her alcohol, taking her to parties, being his own goofy self but nothing seemed to get her back to original self.

Blythe was missing being around them and that much was obvious. By now her heart had already forgiven them and wanted to go back and apologize for staying away for this long, but her head was telling her a whole different thing. Blythe wanted her boyfriends, and she wanted them now.

So, Blythe left Riley's house and went to school, even though majority of her classes had already finished she still had one last class left to go, and that was Mathematics.

After making her way to school she went to her maths class that had already started and pushed open the door. Maddox was facing the board, writing on it what todays lesson would be, so he couldn't see who had walked through the door. "You're late." He said, his tone was evidently grumpy as he scribbled down notes.

"Sorry, about that."

Everyone's eyes were already on Blythe and now so was Maddox's as he heard her voice. "Blythe?" He whispered to himself so no one could hear him. They both made eye contact before Blythe walked to the back of the room where her usual seat was. "As I was saying..." Maddox's voice drifted off as Blythe began to zone out while staring at him. He didn't look the same, his hair looked like it hadn't been touch at all today even though it was usually neatly done, his suit wasn't ironed like normal and he had bags under his eyes. He looked tired and Blythe was starting to believe that taking all of this time away wasn't the best idea.

Her boss had asked to specifically see Blythe after her and Riley and had finished their missions and she could already tell that she'd be getting an earful from him after he finds outs what happened.

"Riley told me what happened." Her boss had startled her as he approached her from behind. "You can't let your feelings get in the way of work, Angel. I told you they were bad from the beginning." He had his usual dark shades on, stopping Blythe from seeing the eyes of the man that she's known the past two years.

She couldn't lie and say that her boss was ugly, because he wasn't. From the features that she could see, he was an attractive man more than likely around 25-30 years old. Sometimes she would wonder how he ended up in this line of work, but she never had the courage to ask and she figured it wasn't any of her business.

"Yeah, I know." She mumbled while nodding her head. "I don't even know why I'm reacting like this, it's really not that big of deal."

"I think I know why." He reached into his pocket and pulled out an envelope. "Your moneys in there. Did you want to me to do something with your house? Since it seems your not living there anymore." He asked while pulling out his phone.

"Might as well. If I need another place I can always find something smaller." She shrugged. She was yet to even return home since she'd moved in with the guys.

"I'll let you know what's going on with that and I'll give you what your owed. Have a nice day, Blythe."

When Blythe looked back at the front, everyone in class had left and Maddox was sat at his desk sorting through papers. "That was a short class." Maddox's head shot up when he heard Blythe speak and he immediately stood and up and rushed over to her.

Blythe stood up as well and they both met in the middle for a tight and much needed hug. "I'm so sorry." He mumbled in her ear as he pulled her close. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I knew I should have, but I didn't."

"It's okay. I've forgiven you guys." Blythe admitted her own arms tightening around Maddox's waist. She breathed in the smell of his deodorant that reminded her of home and for the first time in the past week she felt content.

Maddox let out a breath of relief. "Fuck, you don't understand how much I've missed your voice." He pulled away from the hug and placed his hands on Blythe's cheeks so he could get a better view of her face before leaning down and connecting their lips.

Blythe smiled into the kiss as she reciprocated it.

Maddox reached back to grab one of the chairs at the desk and pulled it out so he could sit on it, and still he managed to not break the kiss as he pulled Blythe onto his lap to straddle him. "This isn't the most appropriate place." Blythe whispered while breathing heavily.

"Well, let me just hold you then." He practically whined as he rested his head in the crook of Blythe's shoulder.

"I won't oblige." Blythe ran her fingers through Maddox's hair as she kept him pressed close to her body.

Their peaceful moment was interrupted as two other people walked through the classroom door. Maddox's head shot up as he looked towards the door, only for him to slump back into place when he realized who it was. "Took your time!" His voice came out muffled when his head returned back to its original place on Blythe's shoulder.

Ashton and Radley were stood at the entrance watching the two cuddle. While they both wished to be Maddox in this situation, they were happy to see that Blythe had returned back to her normal self.

When Blythe looked over at the other two, the first thing she noticed was the black eye on Radley's face and the busted lip on Ashton's. Both men were injured and by the tense looks they both sent one another, Blythe could assume who hurt them. "What happened?" She asked while sitting up properly instead of leaning over.

Ashton looked to be at war with himself as he glanced everywhere else but Blythe and Radley. Radley on the other hand was glaring solely at Ashton. "Ashton punched Radley." Maddox whispered in her ear.

"What? Why are you guys fighting?" She pouted.

Ashton didn't say anything as he walked over to Blythe with a sad look in his eyes before wrapping his arms around Blythe in a hug. His entire body was tensed up making Blythe run her nails up and down and all around to tried to relieve him of his stress. "Don't fight with Radley." She mumbled. "It's not worth it." She ran her finger over the cut on his lip, it was nothing more than a little cut but it meant so much more knowing who did it.

"You're worth it." Blythe was swooning from his words, her eyes started to water the longer she made eye contact with Ashton, but she gulped it away and instead was met with a hungry kiss from the man in front of her.

Like the other times, Ashton's kisses were ferocious and hard for Blythe to keep up with, and while she was struggling to keep up the same pace as Ashton, Maddox was peppering light kisses on her neck.

Radley cleared his voice to gain the attention of the three but only managed to grab Blythe's. She opened her eyes and made eye contact making her pull away from the kiss. "Guys, stop." Immediately the two guys stopped what they were doing and pulled away.

Blythe smiled back at both of them before hopping off of Maddox and walking over to Radley. "We need to talk-"

"We definitely need to talk." Blythe interrupted. "So, I think it's about time we have that date." She looked up shyly at Radley who was more than happy to hear that she still wanted to be with him.

"Yes. We do. Now? Can we do it now?" Radley had so many things that he needed to get off of his chest and he wasn't sure how much longer he could last bottling it all up. The man felt like he was about to explode.

(AN: ships names y'all, Brashdox, idk man

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(AN: ships names y'all, Brashdox, idk man.) (my note for my other note: tell my why I just came back to this and almost cackled tf Brashdox. Anyways, no more sadness... for now.)

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