43: In The Hospital

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Blythe was seven years old when her grandparents dropped her off at the door of the adoption facility, she couldn't remember much before that, but she remembered the feeling of abandoned when it happened. Everything she experienced that day was all new to her, the betrayal, the feeling alone, but most importantly the hatred.

When she first arrived in her business the first thing she tried to do was find them, but there were no paper works, nothing. Blythe Griffin came to the door without a name and left with a whole new family.

That was the thought that Blythe kept thinking about as she lost consciousness for some reason.

When her eyes shut and all she could hear was a loud ringing in her ears, followed shortly after with deep hums, she felt trapped. Blythe wanted to speak up, open her eyes and see what was going on, but she couldn't, so she allowed for the peace to sweep her off her feet.


An irritating beeping was the first thing Blythe heard when she was awoken, her eyes fluttered open and in the beginning all she could see was bright lights. 'Is this heaven?'  Unfortunately not.

"Blythe?" Riley had fallen asleep that night in the guest chair as he waited for Blythe to wake up from her coma. "You're alive." He smiled.

His face was still bruised but it was no longer swollen like the photo, and the majority of his cuts had healed.

Blythe went to speak but coughed due to her dry throat. "I'll go get the nurse for you, okay?" 

Riley left Blythe alone in the room, when she realized where she was. "Oh. Yeah." She looked down at the white gown she was wearing, she had a bandage wrapped around her hand that she used to touch the area where she had been stabbed as well as shot, almost as a way to check if it did in fact happen. "I really got stabbed and shot, wow." She croaked.

She couldn't feel much as she was laying still, but when she tried to readjust the position she was in, was when she felt the pain.

Riley returned shortly with a doctor following behind him who explained to her the situation and also gave her some more pain killers since she would be spending the night in hospital. Then after the doctor left and her and Riley were alone was when they got down to business. "What the fuck happened?" Blythe asked. "And from the beginning as well, not from after I fell unconscious."

"I'll try not to make it too long, but I was legit just casually walking around when these guys jumped me from out of nowhere and beat me until I was knocked out. Then I woke up tied to a chair and that Alonzo guy was waiting in front of me. He started talking about, I guess his name is Romeo, aka our boss and his brother, and then he started talking about you and the three hotties. I don't know, Blythe. I can't really remember much of what he was saying because it was all fuzzy when he was talking." He explained.

Blythe was glad to hear that Riley still had some of his humor still left in him after the state that he was put in. "Alonzo sent me a photo and the address to come and get you. He told me if I came then he would let you go. So I went there alone, I don't know when anyone else showed up" Blythe mentioned.

"Did he? And you actually came by yourself?" He questioned but it was more aimed towards himself. As much as him and Blythe were friends, he never would've expected Blythe to put herself in that much danger all for himself. "Thank you. I do appreciate that, but you're really stupid. Look at how you ended up." He gestured to the bed.

"It's fine. I risked my life for you, and you saved my life. Well, kind of, I'm still not sure how I got shot, but continue on."

"Okay. So, after Alonzo left, I waited to see if he would come back or someone else would come in and when no one did I managed to free myself, because let's not forget I'm an assassin, I never leave the house unarmed. I had this little blade on me that I managed to cut the rope with and get out, and then I went upstairs and that's when I saw Alonzo and our boss talking, so I searched around the house for some sort of weapon and I found these random dead bodies so I took one of their guns-" He recalled.

"Oh, yeah. That was my doing." Blythe added.

"Good thing you did. I was so surprised when I looked back into the room and saw you there as well and then the three life saviors showed up too." He remembered that when he searched the guns, most of them had been empty except one gun that Blythe hadn't touched, so that was the one that he had grabbed. "To put it lightly, I am kind of the reason you got shot. When I shot him, I guess my vision was too all over the place because I only hit his arm that was holding the gun, and when he flinched he shot as well, resulting in... you know. I'm really sorry, I tried to help but it just ended in you getting hurt even more."

Blythe reached out and placed her hand on top of Riley's that was resting on the railing of her bed. "It's honestly all good. I'm not dead, so there's nothing to get worked up over. If I was dead then it's be a whole different conversation."

"It wouldn't even be a conversation, you'd be dead." He mumbled while rolling his eyes. "Anyways, you got shot and then bam, our sport teacher was the first to attack him. Now, I'm talking punch after punch he unloaded on this man. Then the other two helped as well. At first they were gonna shoot him, but honestly I think they have him kept in their basement at this very time."

"Everyone else is okay then?" Blythe asked, which was the main thing that she was worried about.

"Yes, everyone's okay. Not Alonzo, though." He reassured. "There's really not much more to explain. We both ended up in the hospital, they've been in your room majority of the time, but when I was finally allowed to be released, I convinced them to go home because let me tell you something. They stank." Riley whispered the last part. Blythe chuckled at watch she was assuming was an exaggeration but nevertheless was happy that they were by her side the entire time.

(Stinky bois)

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(Stinky bois)

(Fun fact I've never been to the hospital before. And I'm terrified of the doctors.)

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