Chapter 1: Dancing for One Direction

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Disclaimer: I do not own One Direction or any of their songs. I only own this plot and made up characters other then One Direction. I own one song in this entire story. I wrote it myself. I hope that you enjoy this fiction story.

                                                                     - Your amaZAYN Author

I unlock the doors to the dance studio and step in. I inhale the smell of sweat, old dance shoes and costumes. I love the combo of all those scents. I drop my bag and pull out my I-phone and my dance shoes. I plug in my phone and shuffle through my songs. Finding the one I want I stick my shoes on and warm up. After warming up I go back to my phone and find the song for my solo. I click it and run to my pose. A full out country song. I can't help the fact that I live in Tulsa, Oklahoma. I am a country girl through and through. I begin to dance. I go through the movements flawlessly. I sway my hips slowly and move my arms. I turn and jump, I leap so high I graze my fingers on the ceiling. Dancing with out care. I turn and go in to my ending pose.

To my surprise I hear clapping and whistling. Just my imagination I think to myself, but I turn just to make sure. I see five boys staring at me like I was some superstar. Shoot I forgot to lock the door so these kind of creeps couldn't get in. I sigh and walk over to them. I look them over, they look to be around nineteen or twenty.

"How can I help you?" I ask as politely as I can.

"Well we need directions to the B.O.K. theater if you can give them to us?" One asks.

"What are you going to the concert tonight?" I ask. I see one snicker at my accent. I glare at him and turn my eyes back to the one who had asked me for directions.

"I guess we are the concert." He says.

I raise my eye brows at this, "So who is playing there tonight?" I ask.

"We are. One Direction." He announces.

"I am amazed she isn't fan girling yet." Another one says.

"Yes, I am a fan of you guys. No, I am not fan girling because I am a very calm person most of the time." I state matter of factually.

"I like her." The blond one says.

"Well then let us introduce ourselves. I am Liam." He says with a flourish.

"I'm Zyan." The one with the extremely styled hair says.

"I'm Harry." Another one says. His hair is brown and curly.

"I'm Louis." The one with converses and no socks says.

"And I am Niall." The blond haired one says and bows to me. He comes back up and we lock eyes. His bright blue eyes meet my green ones. A smile spreads across his face as I break contact.

Out of the corner of my eye I see someone coming up to the door. Oh crap. I think as I realize who it is. She comes barging in through the door and walks right over to me. She pushes me to the ground and kicks me in the stomach. I let out a whimper as the pain surges through my body.

"So how do you like-" She starts, but she stops when she sees the boys. "I am so sorry you had to put up with this poor excuse for a dancer." She glares down at me and smiles evilly. She looks back at the boys and beckons them to follow her.

They all follow but Niall. He kneels down and asks, "Are you okay? That looked like it hurt."

I let out a groan as he helps me sit up. "I'll be okay." I reply with a grimace. He stands and reaches out his hand. I take it and he pulls me up. We walk hand in hand to the other boys.

I Left My Heart on the Dance Floor and Niall Horan Found it (a 1D Love story)Where stories live. Discover now