Chapter 34: Right

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Morgan's P.O.V.

I turn and see bright lights.

I just stand there frozen. Maybe, just maybe this will take away all the pain. He doesn't need me, I don't need to be here.

The car honks but I don't move I just wait for the collision.

Suddenly the world goes dark. I feel my head hit the ground. I hear someone sobbing next to me. I taste blood. I smell blood.

The pain that I feel still isn't gone.

* * *

I wake up to the beeping of the heart monitor and the bright lights of the hospital room.

I hear someone outside the door talking.

"Mr. Horan, she has lost the ability to move her right arm. When her head hit the ground it caused damage to the part of her brain that controls it. We don't know how long it will take her to regain the control or if she ever will." A man says.

I turn my head and try to move my right hand. Nothing. I try again. Nothing.

I really have lost the ability to move my right arm. This means I can't move my right hand or anything.

"Can I go in and see her?" I hear Niall ask.

"Sure. She should be awake now." The man responds.

I watch as the door opens and Niall walks into the room.

I sit there staring at my right hand. I will never be able to move it again.

"Morgan, how do you feel?" He asks sitting down in a chair next to me.

I don't answer.

"Please answer me." He begs.

"If you don't need me then why are you here?" I breath.

"I-I really do need you. I love you." He says.

"You said that you needed time alone. Away from me. Why? What did I do wrong? I was trying to take care of you. I've been trying to be the best I can for you. I messed something up though, just like I always do. So if you don't want to marry me then here, you can have your ring back." I say tears forming in my eyes. I pull off the beautiful ring he gave me with my teeth. "Give it to a girl you actually need."

I set the ring down on the table beside the bed.

"You wouldn't want to marry a girl who won't even be able to give you a proper hug." My tears now run down my cheeks.

He just sits there staring at me.

"Why would you ever think that I wouldn't want to marry you? I love you. I need you. You didn't mess up, I did. I should have agreed not to go in and let you take care of me. I shouldn't have yelled at you." He whispers.

He picks up the ring from the table and puts it back on my finger. Then he reaches up and strokes my cheek.

"I'm so sorry." He says. "We'll figure everything out don't worry. I know that you will be able to give me a true hug in time."

He takes my right hand in his and presses it to his lips.

"I-I forgive you, but please never yell at me again. I don't want to fight with you again. It was heart breaking." I stammer.

"Never." He whispers.

"How long was I out?" I ask.

"For two days." He answers. "I wish you would have woken up sooner, so I could have told you I am sorry. I am truly sorry for what I said."

"I know you are, Niall." I sigh.

"We need to start planning our wedding soon." He says.

"I need to get out of the hospital before we start all that." I laugh.

Suddenly the doctor walks into the room.

"Miss Morgan Lightly?" The doctor asks.

"That's me." I respond.

"As you have most likely noticed, you cannot move your right arm. When your head hit the ground it damaged a part of your brain that controls your arm. I am advising physical therapy for your arm to regain the control. This will work your brain to move your arm and reconnect the movement. You should have it back to normal in two maybe three months if all goes well, at the most a year." The doctor finishes explaining and leaves the room after telling me that I would be free to leave after tomorrow.

"See in two or three months your arm will be back to normal." Niall smiles.

"I hope." I sigh. "How do you feel?"

"I feel fine I got over whatever I had while you were out." He answers.

"Oh okay. Was I being to over protective, not letting you go in to the studio?" I ask.

"No. You were right. I shouldn't go in when I'm sick." He says. "I might get the other boys sick. They would kill me if I got them sick."

I smile slightly at him.

I can't wait to get out of here in two days and start planning my wedding with this amazing boy.

I Left My Heart on the Dance Floor and Niall Horan Found it (a 1D Love story)Where stories live. Discover now