Chapter 6: Soon came sooner than later

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I finish by the time we get to the dance studio. Out side waits the one and only Lily.

"Where is she?" I ask harshly.

"Not here." She answers.

"You-" I try to go after her but the boys hold me back.

"Stay calm Niall." Liam says.

"Ya stay calm Niall." Lily mocks. Now we have to hold Liam back.

"Oh I'm going to get you." Liam sneers.

"Where is she?" I ask again.

"Aw does lover boy want his Princess back." Lily makes a sad face.

"Ya lover boy wants his Princess back." I say.

"Well you will get to see her but sure won't be here." She says. Suddenly someone grabs me and throws me into the back of a van. All the other boys get thrown in too. I should have known she would pull something llike this. So much for being Super human.


Niall's P. O. V.

The van takes off like a bullet out of a gun, speeding down the road. Darned Oklahoma drivers are insane.

"I don't want to be kidnaped!" Louis crys.

"Well to late for that." Liam grunts.

"Why did I leave her alone?" I mumble to myself.

"It wasn't your falt Niall." Zyan coos.

"I know but I still feel gulty for it." I mumble back.

The back of the van opens to revail the two men who had thrown us back here. Both of them hold a roll of ducktap. Louis, then Harry, then Zyan, and then Laim are taped up.

The man comes over to me. "Well if it isn't lover boy himself." He chukles.

I glare att him. "Get away from me." I growel.

He grabs me by me hair and the other man taps me up like the other boys.

I turn and swiftly kick him where it hurts the most.

He lets out a yelp and dubles over. After he had recovered he looked me strait in the and growled, "You are going to pay for that later."

They then blind fold us all and I asum take us out of the van one by one. When it's my turn I stumble out of the van annd hit the ground, hard. I felt someone grab my shoulders and drag me to my feet. They push me forword. I stumble and fall down a full flight of stairs. I tuck my head and roll until I hit something solid. I open my eyes and see someone looking at me intently.


Morgan's P. O. V.

I hear a noise from the top of the stairs and I see someone come tumbleing down. I run over, my chains just long enough that I can make it. I kneel down beside the boy. He slowly opens his eyes.

"Niall!" I whisper/yell.

"Morgan!" He says.

"Are you okay?" I ask seeing blood drip from his head.

"I, uh, don't know." He says. His eyes flutter and he passes out, his head landing in my lap.

"Niall?" I shake his shoulder. "Niall wake up." I cry. I carefully dab away all the blood seeind as how it was starting to stain his blond hair. I cradle his head just like he does mine. I run my hand through his soft hair. "I love you." I whisper and place a soft kiss on his lips. That always works in the moives ,right?

I Left My Heart on the Dance Floor and Niall Horan Found it (a 1D Love story)Where stories live. Discover now