Chapter 7: Excape?

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Life has many twists and turns, it's like a maze and you are always trying to escape from all the pain and hardships. Some how you always find your way out of one problem and walk right into another one. That is exactly what we did.

We finally figured out how to escape after days of planing. We were there for at least a week. No, I am not kidding we were there for at least a week. A week of pain and threats and more pain. I have cuts up my arms and down my legs and most likely some on my face. The boys went through more than I did, much more pain it was practically torcher for me to go through watching it. I watched a whip crack across every one of their backs. I cleaned up the blood. Lily made me clean up their blood. I cried the entire time. Niall could barely move let alone talk. Lily broke us. She broke us all. It pained me to see them like that especially Niall. So we came up with a plan.

The plan is that we start yelling so someone comes down to see what is going on. The boys knock that person out and keep yelling. So another person will come down. They then take care of that person. Next two of us will sneak upstairs and call the police. That is the plan. So here it goes.

We all start yelling even though it hurts. Finally Lee came down.

"Shut up!" He yells. He comes over and grabs me because I am yelling the loudest. He grabs me around my throat. Zayn comes up behind him and knocks him over the head with a metal rod we found down here.

"One down, one to go." Zayn grunts.

We keep yelling. Next Zach comes down. We do the the exact same thing to Zach.

Finally it's Niall and I up to call the police. We sneak up the stairs. I poke my head out the door to make sure the coast is clear. I motion for Niall to follow. I locate the phone in a matter if seconds. I dial 911 and wait for someone to pick up.

"911 what us your emergency?" A female voice asks.

"We have been kidnapped." I state looking at Niall.

"How many of you." She asks.

"Six." I says.

"Where are you?" She asks another question.

"I have no clue." I say.

"We will track the phone you are calling from the police and an ambulance will be there in a few minutes." She says.

I thank her and hang up.


Niall's P. O. V.

Morgan hangs up the phone and turns to me.

"Their coming." She says.

"Thank goodness." I sigh. I pull her into a hug. We will finally get out of this place. We will finally get on with our lives.

I hear sirens. They get closer and closer. Someone bangs on the door. I let go of Morgan to let the police in.

"Stop!" I hear someone say.

I whip around to see Lily holding Morgan with a gun pressed to the side of her head.

"Take a step closer to that door and I shoot her." Lily sneers.

Someone bags on the door again. They yell, "Open up. This is the police!"

I see Morgan using sign language. She signs very slowly so I can make it out: "I am going to try and get out of her grip when I do open the door so the police can get in."

I nod my head just slightly. Morgan suddenly elbows Lily in the stomach. I turn and run for the door. I fling it open and police spill into the house.

I Left My Heart on the Dance Floor and Niall Horan Found it (a 1D Love story)Where stories live. Discover now