Chapter 24: Together Again

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"I'm going to go get her. I don't care what management thinks. I love her and I'm not letting her go." I say turning to the boys.

"Go get her then Niall." Liam says.

I jump out of the car and run into the building.

I love her and I don't care what other people think.


Morgan's P.O.V.

How the heck am I going to get back to the bus? I act so stupid sometimes.

I walk around the air port with no real destination. Finally I just flop down in an uncomfortable chair. I sigh deeply. I dont't know what I am going to do. I am still wondering why management suddenly wanted me to leave. It's not like I did anything. Management had me go on that live TV interview with the boys.

Wait a minute. Management wouldn't just suddenly kick me to the curb. It was someone fault. Someone faked working for management and told Niall that I had to leave. The only question is who?

It couldn't be Kate, she is to trustworthy.

It couldn't be Lily, she's in jail.

It couldn't be any of the boys.

The only person who would want to get at me right now is Linzie. It was her who made me leave. I knew that there was something fishy with this whole thing.

I stand and start walking around, this time I am determined to  find a way to get back to Niall.

"Miss are you lost? Are you looking for someone?" Someone asks behind me in a thick Irish accent.

"Yes, I-" I say turning around. I seconds I realize who it is.

"Niall!" I exclaim.

"Morgan." He says. I love the way he says my name.

He opens his arms and I jump into a hug.

"I was going to find a way back." I say.

"I was going to find you even if I had to take a plane to Oklahoma." He says.

"I figured out who set us up." I whisper.

"What do you mean set us up?" He asks.

"Linzie. This was a set up to get me to go back home alone. Away from you all. So she can do something to me." I whisper.

"I won't let you out of my site again. You are never leaving my side or one of the boys." Niall says.

"Let's go back to the bus. I need some sleep." I say.

Niall presses a soft kiss on my cheek and cameras flash but I don't care. He puts his arm around my shoulders and lead me out of the airport and back to the car.

Niall get's in and I follow only to realize that Zayn is asleep and taking up almost the entire back seat.

"You can ether move him and risk death or sit in my lap." Niall says.

"I chose the only safe place I know. In my boyfriend's arms." I say.

I sit down in his lap.

"Am I squishing you?" I ask.

"No you weigh almost nothing." Niall answers.

Soon we pull up at the tour bus. I rush out of the car and into the bus.

I drop all my stuff on the floor and crash on my bed.

Niall comes up behind me and gets in too.

"Good night." He whispers.

I Left My Heart on the Dance Floor and Niall Horan Found it (a 1D Love story)Where stories live. Discover now