Chapter 30: Coffee

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Morgan's P.O.V.

"Sir are you sure you don't want a room to yourself? You don't have to stay in here with her." Someone says.

"No, I need to be in here when she wakes up. I don't want her to freak out because I'm not here." Niall says.

"Well then at least let me take a look at you." The person says.

"Alright." He grunts.

"Then could you please slip off your shirt." The doctor instructs.

I listen to the conversation contemplating opening my eyes or not.

I finally open my eyes and look around the white room. My eyes fall on Niall's bare back.

"Oh my God, Niall." I gasp.

He whips around and sees that I am awake.

"Morgan!" He exclaims. "How are you feeling?"

"I feel fine. What happened? Why does your back have so many cuts?" I ask.

"I was protecting you when those mirrors shattered, I took the worst  of it so you wouldn't get hurt." He answers.

"You didn't have to Niall. What happened anyway? All I remember is seeing you and then passing out." I say.

"Well we escaped. I also found out who that voice was. Linzie is back and I guess she is after us." Niall shrugs his bare shoulders, but winces in pain.

"Well at least the tour is almost over and then we can head back to England." I sigh.

"Yeah. Oh and someone called you a little while ago. Your phone is on the bed-stand." He says.

"Thanks Ni." I say as I grab my phone off the table.

I find that I have one new voice mail. I click play and listen,

"Hey Morgan this is Moe I was just calling to let you know that our book has finally be published. I was wondering if Stewart, you and I could meet up for coffee sometime and talk about selling movie rights. I live in London now with Stew and I heard you live here too, with your boyfriend. I would love to meet him. So give me a call back after you get this. I haven't seen you in so long and I think we just need to catch up a bit. Bye."

Oh my gosh. I had completely forgotten I had written a story with Moe. That was so long ago, sixth grade I think. Wow I haven't seen him since then.

I sit there in the hospital bed smiling from ear to ear.

"What's up Morgan? You have been sitting there smiling for the last ten minutes." Niall asks sitting down beside me.

"It was my friend Moe, that had called me. He said that the book we wrote in sixth grade had been published and he asked me if I wanted to go out for coffee sometime to talk about selling the movie rights. He also said that he wants to meet you." I explain.

"Wow, Morgan that's great news! Your dream came true! You are now a published author!" He exclaims, pulling me into a hug.

*  *  *

"Hey what's up Morgan?" Moe asks.

"Well I got that voice mail you left me and I would love to go out and get coffee with you." I say.

Stewart is the other co-author.

"Oh yeah he is actually my room mate. So uhh will today at one be okay?" He asks.

"I'm actually about to get on a plane to London. I'm in the U.S. right now." I explain.

"Well tomorrow at one then. See you there." He decides.

"See you there. Bye." I say.

"Bye, Morgan." He says and hangs up.

I smile and put my phone in my back pocket as the boys and I get on a plane back home to London.

"Did you get it all figured out?" Niall asks as we take our seats.

"Yep." I say popping the P. "Tomorrow at one I am going to talk to some old friends about selling movie rights to our book."

"Can I come with you please?" He begs giving my puppy dog eyes.

"Of coarse you can come, Niall. I wouldn't want to go out to coffee with two grown men without my boyfriend being there." I laugh. "They're not that bad. They're more like brothers to me then anything else. Plus they want to meet you."

"Good." He smiles and plants a kiss on my cheek as the plane starts to go down the runway.

*  *  *

Niall and I walk hand in hand into the coffee shop.

"Morgan, is that you?" Someone gasps.

I turn and find a much older Moe staring at me along with Stewart.

"It's me. Why would it be anyone else?" I laugh.

I let go of Niall's hand and walk over to the two boys. Moe pulls me in for a bone crushing hug. Man what happened to the nerdy, not extremely strong Moe, I knew in sixth grade?

I pull away and walk over to Stewart.

"Long time no see, Stew." I smile.

Wholly cow. Last time I saw him, he was no taller then my shoulder, now I have to look up to see his face.

"What's up? Looks like now I get to call you shorty." Stew laughs.

"And who might that be?" Moe asks eyeing Niall.

I smile.

"That is Niall Horan, my boyfriend." I say.

Moe walks over to Niall.

"Hi there Niall, I'm Moe and over there is Stewart." Moe introduces himself.

Niall walks over and stands next to me. Now Stew walks over to Niall.

"Hello Niall, nice to meet you." Stew says shaking Niall's hand. "You had better be treating her right and if you break her heart, it won't be good for you pretty boy." Stew whispers to Niall who becomes very pale.

"Stew!" I exclaim.

"Y-yes sir." Niall stammers.

"Don't worry about Stew, Niall. He's like an over protective brother. Moe on the other hand is completely harmless." I whisper to Niall as we walk over to a booth.

"So Morgan how have things been?" Moe asks.

"Well considering the fact that I found the love of my life and Lily is in jail were she belongs, life is pretty good. It also got a whole lot better when you left me a voice mail." I answer.

"Well that's good. Stew and I moved here about a month ago because we finally found a publisher who wanted the book. It should hit the shelves September twenty-seventh." He says.

My eyes go wide.

"On my birthday!" I exclaim. "That's three weeks from now."

Oh that reminds me. Niall's birthday is next week, I will have to get with the boys on that.

"That's going to be one big day for you." Niall says.

"Yeah it will." I sigh.

"Oh wow look at the time." Moe gasps, looking at his watch. "We need to get going."

"Alright. I guess I will talk to you then." I sigh.

I stand up with Niall.

"Bye guys." I say as we walk away.

"Your birthday is going to be one extra crazy day for you." Niall chuckles as we walk out of the coffee shop.

"What do you have planed?" I ask cocking and eyebrow at him.

"You will just have to wait and see, because you will love it." He smiles at me slyly.

I Left My Heart on the Dance Floor and Niall Horan Found it (a 1D Love story)Where stories live. Discover now