Chapter 8: Opening my eyes

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Suddenly the doors to the ambulance open leaving me blinded with sunlight.

They push me into the hospital. I grip Niall's hand as doctors swarm around me.

They yell and shout.

Someone asks Niall to leave so the can take me into the E.R..

"No!" I whisper as loudly as I can.

"You are dying." A Doctor says to me. "If we don't get you into surgery right away you may die and never see him again."

I let go of Niall's hand. I immediately feel even worse as if holding on to him was keeping me alive.

I pass out hoping that I would wake back up but I hear someone yell, "We're losing her!"



I moan slightly. I want that darn noise to go away. It's like my alarm clock going off, but never stoping. I slowly open my eyes and look around. I am laying in a hospital bed, the lights are off but some light leaks through the curtains over the window. Why am I here? I ask myself. OH yesterday, Lily shot me that would be why.

I try to lift my hand but something holds it down. I look down and see a head of blonde hair. I carfully slide my hand out of Niall's. The moment my hand is out of his, his head shoots up scaring me. I flinch.

"You're awake." He says. His eyes are red and puffy. It looks like he had been crying.

"What were you worried I wouldn't wake up? I've only been out for 1 night." I say.

"Um Morgan you've been out for over a month." He says slowly.

"What?" I gasp.

"You were in a coma. They didn't think you would make out of the surgery. I was starting to think you weren't going to wake up." Niall explains.

"Oh so what have I missed?" I ask.

"They caught Zach and Lee. They still haven't found Lily yet. The boys and I have been here the entire time. The police came and interviewed all of us. They said they would interview you as soon as you woke up." Niall says.

I nod my head. "How are the boys?" I ask.

"They went to get some food. I wanted to stay here. I guess I was asleep. You can talk to them when they get back." He whispers.

"Okay." I say. "How are you?" I ask now.

"Better now that you are awake." He says.

"That's good." I sigh.

"How do you feel?" He asks.

"Alright. I have felt better." I shrug.

"Maybe this will make you fell a little better." He says. He leans in and presses his lips to mine. His hand slides behind my head so I can't pull away.

Just as things really start to heat up the door flies open and in comes the rest of the boys. The moment they see us, Niall pulls away with his cheeks bright red.

"We can leave if we interrupted something." Louis says.

"No, it's okay." I answer for Niall.

"Your awake!" Louis cries out. Just now noticing. He runs over and gives me a hug. All the other boys hug me too.

We all sit and chat for while until a nurse comes in to check on me. She checks my vitils and other things. She takes me off the I.V. and tells me that I should eat something.

I sit and watch the boys eat. They didn't get me anything because when they went to get food I was still out.

Niall sees my dilemma and says, "Here eat the rest of mine."

I raise my eyebrows at this. "Are you sure?" I ask.

"Positive." He says. He hands me the rest of his take out chines food.

"Whoa Niall just gave Morgan the rest of his food!" Harry exclaims.

"You know that means you are special when Niall gives you the rest of his food." Liam says.

"Yep." Zayn agrees.

I slowly eat the food that Niall gave me.

After I finish I sit there for a minute.

"I'm bored. When do I get out of here?" I ask.

"Well you can leave right now." Someone answers. I turn and see a doctor standing at the door.

"Yay!" I exclaim.

The doctor leaves the room. I turn so that my legs hang off the side of the bed. I like the fact that I am in a pair of sweats and a tee shirt instead of a hospital gown.

"Here put these on." Niall hands me a bag of clothes.

"Okay." I say.

I slide off the bed and almost land on my face, but Niall catches me.

"Careful." He says. He helps me to the bathroom so I can change.

I close the door and strip. Out of the bag I pull undergarments. I do not want to know how the boys got a hold of those. I put them on. Then I pull out a pair of skinny jeans and a blue tank top.

I open the door to the bathroom. I jump out and yell, "Ta da!"

You know after you have been cooped up in a hospital for a month you get a little crazy.

All the boys laugh at my silliness. Niall takes my hand and leads me out of the room. We walk up to the counter and check out. Then we leave. We walk out and get into a car that drives us to my house.

We all get out and walk in. I look around. It looks exactly the same as before I was kidnapped.

"Go pack." Niall instructs.

I grab my suit case and run to my room. I pack up all my clothes. Then I grab another suit case and pack up my computer and some other personal items. Then I drag my two huge suitcases out to the living room.

Then I grab one more and load up all of my books. Yes, I love books. I am a very avid reader. I drag my three suit case to the front door.

"That's it." I say.

Niall and Liam sit in the rocking chairs on the porch while all the other boys run around the yard.

"Here let me take those." Niall says. He takes two of my bags. We start to walk to the car. I feel a sudden sharp pain in my stomach. I stop and double over in pain.

"Morgan are you alright?" Niall asks. He stands right next to me.

"I don't think that I am completely healed yet." I gasp.

"Take these Liam." Niall hands off two of my bags and Louis takes the other one.

"Can you walk?" Niall asks.

I try but I almost fall.

"Here." Niall says. He sweeps me into his arms and carry's me to the car. He sets me down and climbs in next to me. "Rest." He instructs.

I lay my head down on his lap and close my eyes. Soon I drift into a peaceful sleep.

* * * 

I wake up in Niall's arm. I look around and see that he is carrying me through an air port. I stir slightly.

"Shh go back to sleep love." Niall coos. "We'll be boarding the plane soon."

I nod my head and return to my nap.

* * *

This time when I wake up, I find myself in Niall's lap with my head resting on his chest. He runs his fingers through my hair a couple times then stops. I look and see his eyes slowly close. He breaths deeply as he sleeps. I smile at the peaceful expression on his face.

I Left My Heart on the Dance Floor and Niall Horan Found it (a 1D Love story)Where stories live. Discover now