Chapter 9: Take me home

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The plane lands and I gently shake Niall's shoulder.

"Wake up Niall we're here." I whisper.

He slowly opens his eyes and looks around sleepily.

Liam wakes up the other boys. We all slowly make our way off the plane. Then we are hit by tons of camra flashes and yelling. We all just keep walking through the crowd of screaming girls. Harry gets caught by one. I run back and drag him out of the girl's stiff arms.

Finally we get into a limo away from all the crazed fans. I sigh and relax. This is really going to get old. Runing away from crazed fans and such, I mean.

"Where are we going?" I ask to no one in particular.

"Home." Niall answers.

"Take me home." I shout. "But really where is home?"

"At my flat." Niall says.

"Oh, okay." I shrug.

"So Morgan I was thinking that maybe we could all go out and have some fun tonight. Like go to dinner and stuff." Niall says.

I turn to him and say, "Niall Horan are you asking me out on a date?"

He smiles slyly and says, "Possibly."

By now the limo stops in front of a huge apartment complex. We all get out and walk up to Niall's flat.

"Whoa!" I gasp as we walk in. "This place is huge!" I shout and it echos.

"And we have it all to our selves." Niall says hugging my shoulders.

I smile and plant a light kiss on his cheek.

"Gahhh Morgan what do you have in here? Books?" Louis asks haling up one of my suit cases.

"Correct. I do have books in there." I laugh.

"Why did you bring books?" Niall asks helping Louis with the bag.

"Well I couldn't just leave them in the U.S.. I spent years collecting then. Some I haven't even looked at yet." I say taking my bag of books with ease and laugh at the boys whose jaws drop when they see how strong I am.

"You are insane." Louis mumbles under his breath.

"I may be crazy but never insane." I giggle.

I turn annd start to explore my new home.

* * *

Hours later I slip on a dress because Niall said that I should dress formally. Hey, I'm not arguing with him. I brush my hair and look in mirror. Good enough.

I walk out and hear Niall gasp, "Wow you look so pretty."

"Why thank you." I giggle.

I notice that all the other boys are in tuxes. I must admit that they all looked quite nice in them (especially Niall).

Niall loops his arm through mine and leads me out of our flat (you notice how I said our flat.)

"So where are we going?" I ask.

"That's for me to know and you to find out." Niall grins slyly.

He leads me down the stairs and out the back door of the complex. I see a black limo parked in front of us.

"Ladies first." Niall says as he opens the limo's side door. I step into the limo and sit down. Niall slides in on one side of me and Harry sits down on the other. Louis, Liam, and Zayn sit on the other side.

"Now you need to put this on." Niall says. He pulls out a strip of cloth and ties it over my eyes.

"Okay." I say slowly.

I Left My Heart on the Dance Floor and Niall Horan Found it (a 1D Love story)Where stories live. Discover now