Chapter 33: Fight

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"Hey Morgan." Niall whispers gently shaking me awake.

"What Niall?" I groan prying my eyes open.

"I don't feel too well." He says, his voice scratchy.

"What's wrong?" I ask turning over to face him.

He has bags under his eyes and he looks really pale.

"My throat's sore and ohhhh I have a horrid headache." He moans.

I frown. Niall doesn't usually get sick. I hope it's not something bad. Okay now I'm over reacting.

"Lay back down and I'll go make you some tea. Do you want anything to eat?" I ask soothingly.

"Some ice cream always helps a sore throat." He sighs laying back down.

"I'll be back in a minute, call for me if you need anything." I whisper planting a kiss on his forehead, brushing his hair out of the way.

I slide out of bed and walk down the stairs to the kitchen. I scoop some ice cream and make some tea. I squeeze a little honey into the tea. My mom used to put honey into my tea when ever I was sick, it always helps.

I set everything on a tray and take it back to the bed room.

I find Niall laying there in pretty much the same spot as I left him.

"Okay, I have ice cream and tea would you like anything else?" I ask softly, so I don't hurt his headache any more.

"No that's fine come and lay back down with me, it's cold." He says, patting the spot on the bed next to him.

"I will in a minute, but I think I should take your temperature first." I say.

I set down the tray at the end of the bed and walk to the bathroom to get it.

I walk over to Niall as I take the thermometer out of the box.

"Here." I hand it to him and he puts it in his mouth. I sit down next to him on the edge of the bed and stroke his cheek softly. I glance at the clock it reads: 4:00 a.m. I sigh it's going to be a long day.

"Looks like I have a one hundred and two degree fever." He sighs.

"I'll go call the boys and tell them that you won't be able to go to the studio today." I say as I stand up.

"No, I need to go in." He says.

"Niall you are sick, you need to stay here and get better." I state.

"I have to go in. They need me!" He exclaims.

"Your sick how many times do I have to say it? Niall, if you go and work then you will only get worse!" I sigh.

"Just let me go in. I work when I'm sick all the time!" He says starting to raise his voice.

Minutes later, I shake my head as I walk out of the bedroom. My tears threaten to spill over my cheeks.

I can't believe that he said that he didn't need me. That he just wanted some alone time, away from me. I'm his future wife.

Suddenly I realize that we just had our first fight. So this is how it's going to be? Is this what my life is going to come to? Me fighting with the love of my life?

I throw on my coat. I need some fresh air. I walk out and accidentally slam the door behind me.

The cold air nips at my cheeks that now have frozen rivers running down them.

What did I do wrong? Why does he not need me anymore? I was just trying to take care of someone I love.

Maybe they were all right? Maybe Niall doesn't love me as much as I thought he did.

Niall's P.O.V.

What have I done?

I-I just yelled at her and all she was trying to do was take care of me. I don't know what came over me.

I hear the door slam.

Nice job, Niall. You idiot, she just left.

Why did I yell at her? Why did I tell her that I didn't need her, but I really do? Why did I say that I needed some alone time? She's my future wife, for crying out loud.

You really messed it up this time.

I need to go after her and tell her that I'm sorry.

I slide out of bed and throw on my coat as I run to the door. I close it quickly behind me as I run down the sidewalk.

Dang this cold is only going to make me more sick.

Finally I see Morgan crossing the street. Her hands are buried deep in her pockets. Tears run down her face and her lips are pressed tightly together.

Just seeing her like that breaks my heart.

She's almost across when suddenly a car turns the corner to fast and comes flying down the road right at her.

"MORGAN!" I yell, trying to warn her so she can get out of the way.

She turns to face the car eyes wide and a look of terror on her face.

I Left My Heart on the Dance Floor and Niall Horan Found it (a 1D Love story)Where stories live. Discover now