Chapter 25: Fireworks explode

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Think. Go over your memories. Do you ever remember a time when you felt truly loved in a time of complete dis-pare?

Well that time for me is now. Because of Niall, I feel so loved by him. So wanted by someone for once. I have never felt wanted by someone. They had always ether wanted me to do their homework or wanted me to leave.

With Niall, I feel like just being around him makes me feel better.

I sit and watch him sleep. He looks like an angel. He is my angel. A small smile spreads across my face as I hear him snore softly. I let out a small sigh.

His arm is wrapped around my waist tightly. Like he won't let me out of his death grip. His face buried into the crook of my neck. His warm breath blows across my face with every breath he takes.

I feel him stir slightly beside me. He takes a deep breath and as he lets it out it tickles my cheek.

I hear someone walk into the room, but I can't see who it is because the curtain is pulled across the front of the bed.

Suddenly the curtain is ripped back and a giant bucket of icy cold water is thrown on us.

Niall shoots up sputtering and hits his head on the wood above the bed.

"Owwww." He whines.

"What was that for?!" I exclaim.

"Liam told me to come and wake you up. He said he didn't care how I did it. So I came in here and woke up the two sleeping beauties." Louis answers.

"Get your butt out of here Louis I was already awake and was about to wake up Niall." I sigh.

"Well how was I supposed to know?" Louis says walking out of the room.

"Whatever, Louis." I sigh.

"Good morning, Morgan." Niall says.

"Good morning, Niall." I say.

Suddenly my head starts pounding. I start to shiver because of the wet clothing I have on.

"Oh my head." I groan.

"Are you okay?" Niall asks worry clear in his voice.

"My head feels like it is about to explode." I whisper.

"I'll go get you something. While I am gone you should change into some dry clothes." He says as he walks out of the room.

I change into a pair of P. J. pants and a T-shirt. I lay back down on the bed and curl into a ball.

"Here take this." Niall says quietly. He hands me a small pill and I swallow it dry.

He lays down next to me and pulls me into a tight hug.

"I think I'm getting sick again." I moan.

"If you are it's okay. I'll take care of you." He whispers.

"I don't want you to get sick too." I say.

"If I do oh well. It's the way of life." He sighs.

"What's today?" I ask completely off topic.

"It's July fourth why?" He asks.

"Today is the fourth of July, wow." I mumble.

"What's so special about the fourth of July?" Niall asks.

"It's the day the U.S. celebrates it's Independence. So we shoot off fireworks and stuff at night. There should be a show everywhere." I answer.

"Really?" He asks.

I Left My Heart on the Dance Floor and Niall Horan Found it (a 1D Love story)Where stories live. Discover now