Chapter 5: Help!!!!

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I hear a crash come from the living room. I slid out of the bed to go see what it was.

"Boys is that you?" I say. It's been a week since they left and Niall is supposed to come get me tomorrow. I walk into the living room and stop. No boys. Suddenly someone grabs me from behind. "Not funny Louis." I sigh.

"I'm not Louis." Someone says. That did not sound like any of the boys. I'm starting to get nervous. The person holding me jerks me forward. I stumble and fall.

"I got her." The man says. Another man walks out of the kitchen.

"Good tie her up and lets go. I left the note on the table for the boys." The other man says.

The first man grabs my hands and ties them behind my back. Then he ties my feet together. He throws me over his shoulder. The second man comes up carrying a cloth.

"Nap time." He says as he ties the cloth over my nose and mouth. I breath in and my vision starts to blurr. I'm being drugged and kidnapped is all I think before I pass out.

* * *

I wake up with a lot of pain in my arms. Slowly I open my eyes and take in my surroundings. I see stairs leading up, I see the rafters in the ceiling. A basement, I conclude. My arms are tied above my head and I literally hang from the beams above me. My feet are a full foot off the ground.

Suddenly I hear voices, "We are going to make a lot of money off of her."

"Once we have the others we will make even more." Someone else says. I hear a door open. Then I see the same two men who kidnapped me come down the stairs. I start to struggle and try to brake free because I have a very bad feeling about these two men.

"Oh look Zach the Princess is trying to get out of her bonds." One snorts.

"Well she's not going any where." Zach says. "Take her down Lee, boss wants her in the chains."

Lee cuts the rope that I was suspended on and I fall to the ground. I hear rattling as Zach gets the chains. Lee unties the rope around my wrists only to clamp iron around them. He locks them and then does the same to my feet. The metal digs into my skin and blood drips to the floor.

"Boss is about to come down and see you so you better behave." Zach sneers. My back is to the stairs so I don't see who comes down until I feel something connect to my back and send me sprawling.

"Well look who it is little miss Morgan." I hear Lily sneer. Why does it have to be Lily who hired these dudes to kidnap me. Now I will have to go through hours of horror.

"Let me go Lily. I have done nothing to you." I say.

"Oh now that just won't happen because soon you will be joined by lover boy and his little friends." Lily laughs.

"No!" I yell. I yank on the chains trying to get my fingers around her little neck.

"Yes. You will have so much fun down her, but if you don't behave well you just might have to watch him die!" She says. I shudder at that thought.

"That's what I thought. Now it will only be a while before he comes." She turns and leaves.

I start to cry. I couldn't stand to see Niall dead, I would kill myself over him. I can't live without him.


Niall's P.O.V.

I knock on Morgan's front door and wait for an answer. When no one comes I start to get a little worried but not to the extreme. "Hello Morgan it's Niall and the boys." I yell out.

"Maybe she's not home." Louis says.

I shake my head as I try the knob. I twist it and open the door. That's funny, I think. The door is unlocked. I step inside and look around. I see the couch over turned, a broken flower vase and it's flowers strewn all over.

"Morgan!" I call out again. I walk into the kitchen and see a note on the table. I pick it up and read it.

"Oh my gosh!" I gasp.

"What is it?" Liam asks.

"This note." I say.

"Read it aloud." Liam instructs.

I start to read so all the other boys can hear,

"Dear One Direction,

Morgan is not here. I have her. If you want her back alive you will have to meet me at the dance studio with $1 million. If you do not come I will kill her and she will die a slow and painful death never to be seen again. So you better show up with the money.


I finish and I slowly sink into a chair. "How could I let this happen? How could I let Lily take her?" I ask myself.

"It's okay Niall we will get her back." Harry promises.

"How?" I ask.

"We will pay the money." Liam answers.

"But, but she is blackmailing us. She kidnapped Morgan." I say. "We need to go to the cops about it."

"No if we get the authorities involved we will never hear the end of it from the press. We have to do this quietly." Liam sighs.

"I know how much you love her. We will get her back." Zyan says.

I nod my head. "Let's go. I want to get her back quick before Lily has enough time to hurt her."

We get up and walk to the dance studio as I walk I sing quietly to myself,

"I, I want to save you 

Want to save your heart tonight 

He'll only break you 

Leave you torn apart, oh

I can't be no super man

But for you I'd be superhuman 

I, I want to save you 

Save you, save you, tonight."

I finish by the time we get to the dance studio. Out side waits the one and only Lily.

"Where is she?" I ask harshly.

"Not here." She answers.

"You-" I try to go after her but the boys hold me back.

"Stay calm Niall." Liam says.

"Ya stay calm Niall." Lily mocks. Now we have to hold Liam back.

"Oh I'm going to get you." Liam sneers.

"Where is she?" I ask again.

"Aw does lover boy want his Princess back." Lily makes a sad face.

"Ya lover boy wants his Princess back." I say.

"Well you will get to see her but sure won't be here." She says. Suddenly someone grabs me and throws me into the back of a van. All the other boys get thrown in too. I should have known she would pull something like this. So much for being Super human.

I Left My Heart on the Dance Floor and Niall Horan Found it (a 1D Love story)Where stories live. Discover now