Chapter 31: Niall's Party

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The moment Niall and I get home from having Coffee with Moe and Stew, I run up to the boys.

"Guys we need to plan something for Niall's Birthday. It's in a week!" I exclaim in a whisper so Niall couldn't hear.

"Don't worry Morgan. We got it covered." Liam says, a smile playing on his face.

One week later:

Niall's Party.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY NIALL!" We all yell out as he walks into the flat.

The smile that he already had on his face got bigger.

I run to him and jump into his arms, pecking a kiss on his cheek.

"Thank-you Morgan." He whispers in my ear as I lead him into the kitchen to show him his cake.

"Did you make that?" He asks staring at the two level chocolate cake I made just for him.

"Yep." I say popping the P.

"It looks really good." He says.

"Then let's dig in." I laugh.

I cut the cake quickly and hand a slice to each boy.

"Mmmm this is the best cake I have ever had in my life." Niall moans in between bites.

"Thank-you Niall. I'm glad you like it. It took me two hours to make it." I smile sitting down next to him and starting mine.

After we had all finished eating, it was time for presents.

"Here you go Niall." Liam says as he hands Niall a card.

Niall opens it up and finds a gift card to Nandos. Of course that's what all the boys get him. Me on the other hand got him something completely different.

"I'll be right back, Niall. I have to go get your present." I say.

I just know that he is going to love it. It took me almost all week to get it ready.

I grab the bag and run back to the living room with the it.

"Happy Birthday Niall." I say as I hand him the bag.

He pulls out the tissue paper,

"Wow, Morgan." He breaths as he pulls out the scrapbook.

He opens it and flips through the pages of pictures and words from when we had first met to now.

I wrap my arms around his neck from behind and look over his shoulder at the pictures.

"I love it, Morgan." He says setting it down and turning around.

He presses a kiss to my forehead.

"I never could have asked for someone better than you. You are perfect for me." He breaths.

"Right back at you." I sigh.

"Boys can you just go home? I want to spend some alone time with my girlfriend." Niall says.

"Okay." Liam answers understandingly.

"Bye boys." I call as they walk out the door.

I watch as Niall grabs some random movie off of a shelf and stick it into the player.

"Come sit." He pats the spot next to him on the couch.

I jump over the back of the couch and land right next to him.

He wraps his arm around my shoulders and I lay my head on his chest.

"I could just stay like this all night." He whispers.

"Me too." I whisper back. I turn back to the screen and find myself watching a performance from several years ago. I was the lead in Swan Lake.

"You look beautiful in that costume." Niall whispers in my ear

"Lily sure didn't think so." I scoff as I watch. I pick at my dancing, mentally yelling at my self to turn out or point my toe or straighten my leg.

"It doesn't matter what Lily thought. If I say so, then you are." He sighs.

"Sorry. It's just that the show was right before she murdered my parents. It was not my best night." I stand up off the couch and leave the room. I can't watch anymore of that.

I change into a pair of sweats and a T-shirt. Then I lay down on Niall and I's bed, pressing a pillow against my body.

I sit there with my eyes pressed closed trying to keep the tears from getting out. I fail dramatically. I had promised myself that she would not make me cry again and look how that turned out.

"Morgan are you okay?" Niall asks as he walks into the room.

"I'm fine." I sniffle.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't know. Please forgive me?" He asks in a whisper as he lays down next to me.

"I will always forgive you Niall. I was never mad at you to start with." I say as I turn over to face him.

He gently strokes my cheek.

"You know if that all hadn't happened. You probably never would have met me." He says.

"That's true." I sigh.

"So there is no need to cry about it any more. You have me and I'm not going anywhere, no matter what." He whispers.

"I know, Niall. I'm not going anywhere ether." I whisper back as I bury my face in his shoulder.

"I love you." He sighs.

"I love you too Niall." I mumble into his shoulder already half asleep.

I Left My Heart on the Dance Floor and Niall Horan Found it (a 1D Love story)Where stories live. Discover now