Chapter 38: I love you....

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(Warning you will need a box of tissues from this point on.)

Morgan's P.O.V.

You know that feeling you get when something really bad happens? I think I get that feeling all to much.

I stare at her, not wanting to breath for fear of what will happen.

"So..." She says as she twirls her hair. "Did you really think that you had seen the last of me?"

She walks up to Niall and I.

My stare soon turns into a glare. No one and I mean no one is going to ruin my wedding.

"Lily why don't you take that pretty little butt of yours and plant it back in a cell where it should be." I sneer as I get a sudden jolt of confidence.

"Wow, where did you get the courage to say something like that to me? Oh well maybe it's just because you're marrying the idiot pop-star." She snaps.

"He is not an idiot." I say.

"Whatever." She rolls her eyes. I watch her as she looks at my dress up and down. "You couldn't have chosen an uglier dress."

"That is a beautiful dress and she looks amazing in it." Niall says defending me.

He steps in between her and I.

"I am going to ask you once nicely to leave." He says sternly.

At this Lily pulls out a gun. "I'm going to end this once and for all." She points it at Niall. "Get back to where you are supposed to be standing. You are after all getting married."

Niall glances at me then returns to his spot in front of me. He takes my hand and breaths in deeply.

The rest of the ceremony seems to drag on. All the while everyone sits and stares. Lily said that if anyone tried calling the police then she would shoot us. She watched the whole time. She watched as Niall and I said our vows, she watched as we did everything.

"You may now kiss the bride." The preacher says.

Niall wraps his arms around me and kisses me softly. His kiss is full of love.

We break apart slowly and turn to Lily.

"I'm about to do something I should have done a long time ago." She says.

She points the gun at Niall.

"Say your final goodbye to Miss. Horan." She instructs.

Niall's eyes go wide and he gasps. He glances at me. The look on his face was so sad and angelic at the same time. His grip on me tightens. His lip trembles.

"I never thought I would have to do this." He whispers to me. "I never thought I would have to say good bye to someone I love so much."

His fingers trace my face. They stop for a moment on my lips.

"You're so beautiful and I love you so much." He says.

He leans down and kisses the tip of my nose and then my lips. My hands find their way to his wet cheeks. As we kiss his thumb softly strokes my cheek while his other arm is around my waist. He pulls me as close to him as he can.

"Please don't. W-we can get away somehow and you don't have to die." I cry.

"I have to love. Please remember me always." He whispers as he starts to slowly pull away from me.

"I will remember you forever." I sob.

He pecks my lips quickly before walking away and stopping in front of Lily.

I watch as her fingers wrap around the trigger.

I can't let him die.

Just as she is about to pull the trigger I run in front screaming, "NIALL NO!"

I hear the gun go off and there is suddenly pain in my chest.

"MORGAN!" Niall yells.

Then there is a second shot.

I hit the ground. My hand laying over my bullet wound, that is so very close to my heart. I can feel the blood soaking my dress.

My breathing gets slower and slower.

"Morgan?" Niall whispers.

He kneels down next to me. I see a large and growing red spot on his white shirt in the same place as mine.

"We are both dying." He says.

"Then lay down with me." I whisper. "Hold me 'til the end."

His arms wrap around me in an embrace that is still strong even though his heart is coming to a stop.

"I love you." I say. "I-I couldn't let you die. I just thought that I would keep you alive."

"I couldn't live without you so this is the better way to die anyway. I would rather die with you by my side then alone." He replies.

He leaves slow soft kisses up my neck.

"I always thought that we would get married and have a few kids then die of old age." I whisper to him.

"I did too." He says.

Both of us have tears streaming down our faces as we watch the other die.

"Just know that I'll always love you." He whispers.

Breathing is getting harder to do.

"I love you too." I say no louder then a whisper.

He presses a soft kiss to my lips and closes his eyes.

I close mine as my body shuts down.

The last thing I hear is, "I love you."

Niall lets out his last breath and goes limp.

I let out a soft breath and then it all goes black.

I Left My Heart on the Dance Floor and Niall Horan Found it (a 1D Love story)Where stories live. Discover now