Chapter 19: Ha, Ha

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Lily's P.O.V.

Yes!!!! This time I really made her mad. I find her one weakness that just so happens to be an ex-boyfriend of mine and BAM I make her super mad and she storms out. Now I just hope she gets hit by a car.

Yeah I know you all most likely hate me for being so mean but just listen to me for a second.

You see I am, I guess very jealous of Morgan for several reasons (1) she always got really good grades when we were in school and she got done with collage before she ever graduated high school (2) the dance teacher gave her the studio to run instead of me and (3)  she is now desperately in love with my ex-boyfriend.

Now again you all are wondering when did I ever date THE Niall Horan. Well a few years ago before they went on the X-factor I took a trip to Ireland. I met him while I was there. I was really nice to him and everything. I was there for a year and we got really close. We started dating for a bit, but then I saw a different dude and I cheated Niall and went with the other dude. Niall was to romantic, I wanted someone who would keep me on my toes (no pun intended).

I just assume that Morgan likes men that are super romantic, I on the other hand don't. So I made a plan after I was arrested that I would ask Niall to talk privately and then I would tell him that if he didn't kiss me back then Morgan would die. When Morgan came in after three minutes I would jump on him and kiss him.

See my plan work perfectly. I just love being an evil master mind.

They hold the court waiting for Niall and Morgan to come back in, but I hope that nether of them come back in. I sit here in my hand cuffs as the lawyer lectures me about how this will affect my sentence. To tell you the truth I really don't care how it affects my sentence, all I care about is making Morgan suffer even if it means putting myself behind bars because I already proved that I can hurt her even if I am in jail.

We hold the court for at least two hours by that time all the boys had gone out side to see what had happened.

Finally the judge says, "We will continue tomorrow."

I watch as everyone leaves and then I am taken back to my cell.



I know that it's super short but I had a hard time trying to figure out what to write.

Take my advice and go read my best friend @TatePrice's story it is really good it's called 'You're My Brother!'.

After you read that go read @IrishRy11's story called 'Best friends with 1D'.

Here are your questions:

1. What did you think of Lily's P.O.V.?

2. What happened to Morgan and Niall?

3.What do you think of Lily dating Niall?

4. What do you want to happen next?

I Left My Heart on the Dance Floor and Niall Horan Found it (a 1D Love story)Where stories live. Discover now