Chapter 26: It won't work

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Sleep never comes to me.

I lay there thinking about what Zayn did. I don't think that he did it because he was being blackmailed. I think he did it because he actually likes me, but I don't like him back. I like Niall.

I lay there next to Niall all night not ever being able to fall asleep.

At eight O'clock I slip out of Niall's grasp and go make the boys some breakfast.

As soon as it is done I slouch down in a chair, waiting for the boys to get up.

"Why are you up so early?" Niall asks.

"I couldn't sleep." I say. "I made breakfast."

"Good I'm starved." He says.

Soon all the other boys come in too. I sit as far from Zayn as I can.

"So I think that we are all going to go out today and have a little fun since the bus is stopped and stuff." Liam says. "Do you want to come too Morgan?"

"No. I think I will stay here and clean up a bit and stuff." I say.

"Okay then." He says.

"Bye Morgan." They all say.

"Bye, love." Niall says as he comes up and plants a kiss on my cheek.

"Bye, Niall." I say not looking up from the dishes I was washing.

I hear the door to the bus close and I sigh. I really need to get some sleep.

I head to Niall and I's bed. I crawl in and soon find myself in the comforts off sleep.

                                                               *  *  *

I wake up and find that the sun had set and that the boys weren't back yet. I go into the kitchen and make myself a small dinner.

After I eat, I wash the dishes. I hear the door to the bus slam as someone comes in.

"Hi!" I yell.

No one answers.

"Who's home?" I ask.

Once again no one answers.

I just keep washing the dishes.

"I am." Someone whispers in my ear.

They whip me around and I find myself staring face to face with Zayn.

"Hi Morgan." He slurs.

I smell alcohol on his breath.

"Zayn I think you have had a little to much to drink today." I sigh. "You need to go to bed. You shouldn't be drinking you aren't even legal in the U.S. yet."

"No. I think I will stay up with you." He says.

He grabs my waist and unsteadily throws me over his shoulder.

"Zayn put me down." I instruct.

"Nope." He says.

"Put me down." I say more forcefully. 

"Why would I? I want you, but you don't want me so I will make you want me." He slurs.

"Zayn put me down!" I yell pounding on his back.

"No." He says.

He walks over to his bed and sets me down. He looks at me with sad eyes.

"What do you see in him that is not in me?" He asks.

"I-I loved him before you told me that you love me." I say. "He is sweet and kind and I shared my first kiss with him. His is faithful and I know that he really loves me."

"But why not me?" He asks.

"I couldn't leave Niall. I barely brought myself to leaving last time. I was heart broken and hurt. He was heart broken and hurt." I whisper.

He sits down next to me.

"Lay down." I say pushing his shoulders gently down on the bed.

He goes down bringing me with him.

"Kiss me Morgan." He slurs.

"No, Zayn." I say.

"Then I will kiss you." He whispers.

He crashes his lips on to mine and kisses me hard.

"Zayn you don't know what you are doing. Quit all this. Forget about me." I say pulling away from him.

"No." He says.

I shake my head and try to push myself into a sitting position, but he wraps his arm around me and holds me where I am.

"Let me go Zayn." I say.

"No." He answers me plainly.

"Zayn I really don't want to hurt you. You are one of my best friends but I will have to if you don't let me go." I sigh.

He only holds me against him tighter.

"Let go of me." I say harsher.

I pry myself out of his arms finding that he is asleep already. I sigh deeply and pull the blankets over him. He won't remember a thing about tonight and that boy is going to have a serious hangover tomorrow.

I walk out into the living room and plop down on the couch.

Soon I fall asleep dreaming that tomorrow will be a better day.

                                                   *  *  *

Niall's P.O.V.

I spent time with all the boys today but Zayn. I guess he needed some time alone since I found him last night kissing Morgan. I must admit that he made me pretty mad, but I kept my cool.

We walk back to the bus laughing at Louis who was walking like a crab. It's really late so we are all a little crazier then usual.

I walk into the bus first and find Morgan curled up on the couch in a ball fast asleep.

"I'm going to take her to bed." I whisper. I gently scoop her up off the couch. She is just so light. I really think that she is the one for me.

I lay her down on the bed softly and climb in beside her. I wrap my arm around her waist and pull her close to me. I plant a light kiss on the tip of her nose and close my eyes.

I Left My Heart on the Dance Floor and Niall Horan Found it (a 1D Love story)Where stories live. Discover now