Chapter 16: Help is on the way

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Liam's P.O.V.

"So the only possible place for them to be is an old warehouse." The police officer finally concludes.

Me and the boys went to the police as soon as we could because this has all escalated way to far. So here we sit listening to this man go on and on about where Lily could have them hidden. To it's like instead of trying to tell us you should be out there trying to find them and get them home in one piece. We will be lucky to get them home alive let alone in one piece.

"Just go out and find them." I say standing from the incredibly uncomfortable chair that I had be sitting in for the last two hours.

"It's not that easy." The man says.

"Well you sure went through your options and decided that the only place they could be is in an old warehouse! There are only two old warehouses here. So here's what you do, you go into one and if they aren't there then they are at the other one." I state plainly.

"Well I guess that would work." The man says.

"Yeah I guess it would." I say.

* * *

"Sir they were not in the warehouse." A police officer says.

"That means they are in the other one." The police chief says.

Thank goodness they know where they are! I thought that they would argue about the best way to approach the building forever!

"Let's go get Niall and Morgan!" I exclaim.

"Whoa no, no, no you boys are not coming with us." The chief says.

"But I want to see Nialler again." Louis whines.

"I want to see my best friend again!" Harry exclaims.

"I thought I was your best friend, Hazza!" Louis yells.

"You are but Morgan is my best friend too." Harry explains.

"You all will get to see them after we get them back and this Lily girl is in jail where she belongs." The chief yells interrupting the conversation.

All police get into their cars and drive away to the other warehouse. I turn and get into the van. All the other boys get in too. Louis drives us back to Niall's flat.

We all drop on the couch.

"I hope they are okay." Zayn says.

"I hope they are too, Zayn. I hope they are too." I sigh.

I sit and hold my head in my hands waiting  for the call that will say weather they are okay or not.

Finally the phone rings I answer it quickly.

"Hello." I say.

What I hear makes me want to burst into tears.



Cliff Hanger!!!!!

What do you think will happen?

So here are your questions!!!

1. What do you think of Lily's character?

2. When Lily blackmailed Liam, do you think that she meant to do it to Niall?

3. How much longer do you want this book to be? I am running out of ideas so inbox me if you have any!!!!

I Left My Heart on the Dance Floor and Niall Horan Found it (a 1D Love story)Where stories live. Discover now