Chapter 32: Marry Me

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2 weeks later.

"Morgan wake up." Niall whispers in my ear, gently shaking me.

"Mmmmm hi Niall." I moan, still half asleep.

"Are you hungry?" He asks.

"Sure." I answer.

"I made you breakfast." He says.

"Okay, I'll be up in a minute." I sigh.

I hear him leave the room.

Shoot, I wanted to sleep for a while longer.

I turn over and look at the clock, it reads 12:00.

Well I guess it's time for me to get up anyway. I have to start my Birthday some how.

I crawl out of bed and walk slowly down the hall towards the kitchen.

"Your up!" Niall exclaims as I walk in. "I thought that I would have to come in there with a fog horn."

"Yeah ha ha Niall real funny." I say sarcastically. "What did you make for breakfast?"

"I made pancakes." He answers setting a plate on the table. "Now eat that way you can get ready for your day."

I sit down across from Niall and shove in my food as fast as I can.

"Done!" I yell throwing my hands up.

Niall chuckles.

"Go take a shower. The boys and a few of your friends will be here soon." He says.

"Alright." I say.

I give him a peck on the cheek and head to the bathroom.

After taking a quick shower I put on a pair of jeans and a T-shirt. I walk out of my bedroom and find that all the lights are out.

"Hello?" I call out.

I walk into the kitchen and find a birthday cake sitting on the table with the candles lit and everything.


People yell out as they jump from hiding spots.

A smile spreads across my face as I see the boys, Kate, Moe, Stew and Niall.

"Happy Birthday Morgan." Liam says giving my a hug.

"Happy B-day." Louis says as he smacks a big wet one on my cheek.

Everyone wishes me a happy birthday and hugs me.

"Time for cake!" Niall exclaims.

I walk over to the table and find a chocolate cake.

"Who made it?" I ask because I can tell that this is not a store bought cake.

"I did." Harry says raising his hand.

"It sure looks good." I say.

I cut the cake and give everyone a piece.

"This is good." I shove in another bite.

"I agree." Niall sighs as he goes back for a second piece.

When we had all finished eating we all went into the living room.

"Here Morgan." Moe says as he hands me a small package.

I carefully pull off the paper wrapped around it. I find a brand new, author copy of our book.

"It's from Stew and me." Moe smiles.

"Thanks." I say.

I get a new pair of shoes from Kate, book marks from Katrina, a dress from Louis, pack of hair ties from Zayn, a stuffed cat from Harry (hey I like stuffed animals), and a gift card to a book store from Liam. I realize that Niall hadn't given me his present yet.

I Left My Heart on the Dance Floor and Niall Horan Found it (a 1D Love story)Where stories live. Discover now