Chapter 14: What did I do?

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Liam's P.O.V.

I turn and follow Niall and Morgan out of the room. I can't believe that I just did that. I was just blackmailed into scaring the crap out of Niall's girlfriend for the second time. Yeah I was blackmailed the first time too. Stupid Lily! I cannot imagine how much I have hurt Morgan. I don't think that she will forgive me this time. Why did I have to answer my phone when Lily called.


Morgan and Niall already went to bed. I really think that they like each other. I get on twitter on my phone and check out what is going on.

Hate about Morgan.

Good comment.

Hate about Morgan.

Yeah good comment about her.

And more hate about Morgan.

Why is that every time one of us get a new girlfriend that hate is always ten times worse at that one then it was last time. If these people were true directioners then they would not say stuff like that.

Suddenly my phone rings.

I look at the caller I.D. and see that it is one that I don't recognize. Usually I don't answer I just let it go to voice mail but this one time I answer.

"Hello?" I say.

"Is Liam from One Direction?" A female voice asks.

"Yes." I say half expecting the girl to scream in my ear.

"Good." The voice says calmly

Well that's weird. I think.

"I want you to do something for me and if you don't well then your bands life is in danger."

End of Flashback...

So that was how I was blackmailed the first time. I still don't think that Morgan forgave me for that. She sure won't forgive me for what I just did.

The moment we walk in Lily turns her gun and points it at us.

"Hello lover boy." Lily sneers.

"Hello Lily." Niall greets softly.

"How is lover boy and my toy?" She asks.

"Morgan and I are fine." He grunts.

"Well then have you healed up well from your last visit?" She asks next.

No one answers this time.

"Well no answer." She says frowning. She walks over to Morgan.

She scoots near Niall.

"Awww is little Morgan scared?" She makes a fake pouting face.

"Get away from me." Morgan yells.

Lily points the gun at Niall.

"Say that again." She dares.

Niall puts his arm around Morgan's shoulders.

"Do you know what I am here for?" She asks Morgan.

Man i feel sorry for Morgan. She has had to put up with this pyhsco for a lot longer than I had to.

"For me." Morgan answers softly.

"Yep." She says.

She grabs Morgan's chin and makes her look her in the eyes.

"If you don't come with me well it might be bad for lover boy." She gestures to Niall.

"Get your hands off of her!" Niall yells. He pushes her away from Morgan. She falls and lands on the floor, bum first.

She jumps to her feet and grabs Morgan's arm. "You are coming with me." She sneers.

She begins to drag Morgan out of the flat.

"STOP! LET HER GO!" Niall yells.

"NIALL HELP" She screams.

"I AM COMING!" He yells.

Niall wraps his arms around Morgan's waist and yanks her out of Lily's grip. She turns and buries her face in Niall's chest. He holds her against him and puts his arms around her protectively.

Lily screams. Then I hear a crash. I turn my head and see the door hanging off it's hinges and two very buff guys standing in the doorway.

"Hand over the girl." One says.

"No." Niall answers plainly.

"Hand her over." The guy repeats.

"No." Niall answers again.

"Hand over the girl or your friends over there get it." The other man threatens. Then pauses and goes on, "If you stay here you will get occasional updates." The man finishes with an evil smile

Niall looks over at the boys who are pale faced and fidgeting. Then he looks down at Morgan.

"If you take her, you have to take me." He finally says.

The two men lead them out of Niall's flat and they disappear.

"What did I just do?" I yell.

I collapse on the floor and hold my head in my hands.

"How could I let Lily take Morgan and Niall?" I scream.

We arn't a band without Niall and Morgan is like a sister to me. She is part of the family and I let Lily take them both!

I feel all the boys gather around me and hug me.

"We will get them back." Harry says.

"I know we will but will we get them back dead or alive is the only question. We have no clue what Lily is going to do to them." I sob. "She could kill Niall just to get to Morgan." I continue knowing that is something that crazy girl would do!

I have a mission to get them both back alive.

I Left My Heart on the Dance Floor and Niall Horan Found it (a 1D Love story)Where stories live. Discover now