Chapter 10: The Lesson

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How is that life is so hard and yet so easy. One simple decision can change your life in a matter of seconds. For example when I decided that I would be Niall Horan's girlfriend. I pretty much decided that I was going to be chased be fans and the news cameras for the rest of my life. Here is another example you remember when I promised Louis i would teach all the boys ballet? Well let me just say that was a very bad decision or a good one still not so sure.

So here I stand with One Direction in front of me. I try to hold back my laughter as I look them over. They each have a pair of man tights on and lets just say that each boy has his own level of embarrassment showing on their faces.

"Let's stretch out." I say giggling. I sit down on the floor of the dance studio that the boys rented for two hours. Slowly all the boys sit down stiffly.

"How do people move in these?" Harry grumbles.

I show the boys how to stretch out so they don't pull anything. By the time we are stretched out all the boys stand up groaning because of their already hurting limbs.

"Let's go to the bar." I say as I try to find some music on my phone.

I show each boy how to stand at the bar the correct way and how to hold on to keep their balance so that they don't fall. Believe me they are going to want to hold on. Now I show them all five of the positions of the feet. It took then each a while to get those.

"Gosh this is so hard!" Zayn complains.

"How do you make it look so easy?" Liam asks.

"A lot of practice." I state.

I turn and see Niall do amazing but the only problem was that he was sticking his tongue out in concentration.

"No need for silly faces Niall. Only smiling." I say as I walk over to him. I plant a light kiss on his lips and this makes him smile. "That's better."

I go down the line of boys and correct each of them. So far Harry has been doing the best. By the time the two hours are up we all started to fool around like crazy people. I just let random music play on my phone. Suddenly a slow song comes on.

"May I have this dance?" Niall asks walking over to me.

"Yes you may." I answer. He pulls me up against him and wraps his arms around my waist. I wrap my arms around his neck. I lay my head on his chest and sigh.

"What's wrong?" He asks.

"Nothing I'm just a bit tired." I say softly. "A lot has happened in the last few months. It is just crazy."

"I know. Just relax we'll go home soon." He says.

"Okay." I whisper.

"Oh, Morgan we have a concert tomorrow night and I was wondering if you wanted to sing a song with me?" He asks.

"Sure. What song did you have in mind?" I ask now.

"Little Things." He answers.

* * *

So here I sit on stage with Niall and all the other boys. I am very nervous. So nervous that I am shaking.

"Don't be scared." Niall says taking my hand.

Now I see why the boys always come off stage sweating their butts off. It's soooo hot out here. I can not believe it. I set my head on Niall's shoulder and the crowd screams. I sit right next to him and we share a mic..

I Left My Heart on the Dance Floor and Niall Horan Found it (a 1D Love story)Where stories live. Discover now