Chapter 15: World of hurt

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Morgan's P.O.V.

So you know how when you get in trouble your mom or dad tell you that you are going to be in a world of hurt. Well Niall and I sure are in a world of hurt right now and it is much worse then any world of hurt you have been in. Much worse.

All of us have been told that life is not fair well you have no clue how true that is and I completely agree with whoever told you that. Here is a list of why our lives are not fair:

1. It is not fair that Niall and I have to put up with Lily.

2. It is not fair that Niall had to come with me because he wanted to keep his band mates alive.

3. it is not fair that i have to sit here and watch Lily hurt the only person that has ever cared about me.

And so on. I have about a million reasons why life is unfair.

So here I sit tied to a chair, watching the person I hate most hurt the person I love most. How is it that ever person I care about must suffer for me? My parents died for me. Niall has felt true pain for me. Each of the boys have felt some level of pain for me.

I shut my eyes not wanting to see any more of what Lily is doing to my poor Niall. My tears slowly slide down my cheeks and my throat aches. My voice is hoarse because I had been screaming at Lily telling her to stop.

I feel the ropes that held me fall away. I hear the door slam and heels clunk down the hall. I open my eyes and stand from the chair. I rush over to Niall who lays on the floor. I lay his head in my lap. My tears fall from my face and on to his where they mix together and slide down his cheeks.

"Did she hurt you?" He asks in a whisper.

"The only way she hurt me was by hurting you." I answer softly.

He nods his head slowly then goes into a fit a coughing. It hurts me to see him hurt and in pain.

I look around quickly and find a jug of water that Lily had left in here. I then find a small cup. I pour a little bit of water in to it. Now I press it to his lips so he can drink.

"Thank you." He whispers after he had finished.

I reach down and brush away a drip of water from his chin. Then he reaches out and presses my hand to his cheek.

"I love you so much Morgan." He says rubbing the top of my hand with his thumb.

"I love you to Niall. I love you more then any regular person would." I answer.

His eyes slowly close as he falls asleep. I gently lay my head on his chest right over his heart. His heartbeat slowly lulls me to sleep.

* * *

"Wake up!" Lily yells.

I feel the tip of a boot hit me hard in the ribs. I slowly sit up and rub my eyes. I look down and see that Niall is still asleep. I also see that there are bruises showing on his arms from last night. Poor Niall.

I feel Lily kick me hard in the back. The kick sends me down and my face lands on Niall's chest. This makes him wake up. He slowly opens his eyes and looks around.

"Darn it I was hopping that it was all a dream." He mumbles.

"Sorry to wake you up Niall. I was going to let you sleep. You look like you need it." I say softly.

"It's alright." He sighs.

I feel another kick connect with my hip. I let out a soft 'ow'.

"Sorry to interrupt you two love birds but the fun for today must begin." Lily sneers.

The word 'fun' sends chills down my back. Lily's kind of 'fun' is never good. I just wish that Lily would get out of our lives. I wish that I could live a Lily free life with Niall. I wish so many things right now.

I feel Niall take my hand. I think he can tell that I am scared out of my mind. I wouldn't be surprised if he is too.

"What do you want Lily?" Niall asks.

"I want Morgan to suffer in every way possible." Lily answers without hesitation.

"What did Morgan ever do to you? She is the nicest person I have ever met." Niall says.

"She stole my job at the dance studio, she stole every boy's heart that saw her." Lily says.

"But she never took one as her boyfriend." Niall interrupts.

"She made the boys want her for a reason. That reason was to make me go without a boyfriend." Lily cries out.

"Not one of those boys ever asked me out." I say.

Lily whips around to face me. "Our teacher always liked you best." She sneers.

"That would be because I was nice to everyone, I didn't hide things and blame it on other people, I was there everyday, I helped out!" I exclaim.

"So she gave you the studio even though you are a horrid dancer." Lily says.

"She gave me the studio so I could run it and she could still teach. All she ever wanted was to be able to teach. And when she hand it over to me I still let you come in and dance, didn't I. I let you come in and do something that you love even if I hate your guts." I yell.

I shake as my anger rises. I feel Niall put his arms around me. I relax a little bit at this. My breath comes in short quick gasps.

Lily shakes her head and storms out of the room slamming the door on the way out.

I turn and bury my face in Niall's neck. My breathing starts to slow down to a regular pace.

"I want to leave here Niall. I want to go back to your flat and the boys." I whisper.

"I know Morgan. I want to go back too." He whispers back.

"I miss Louis acting all crazy. I miss Zayn asking me where a mirror is every five minutes. I miss Harry talking about his cat. I even miss Liam." I sob beginning to cry as I realize how much I miss all of them.

"I miss them too." Niall says. "But at least we have each other."

"Promise you won't ever leave me Niall?" I ask.

"I promise." He whispers.

I sit there in Niall's arms and wonder what my life would be like if I had never met him. I wonder what would have happened if he had never come back for me? I really need to quit talking like that.

Suddenly I hear the door open and someone walk in. I turn and find one of the buff dudes starring at us. He cracks his knuckles with a small smile playing on his face.

Oh no. Is all I have time to think before the dude plucks me from Niall's grasp. The man throws me across the room. My head hits the wall with a loud, WHACK.

I hear Niall yell, "Morgan!"

I see the man's fist connect with Niall's jaw, just before I black out.

I Left My Heart on the Dance Floor and Niall Horan Found it (a 1D Love story)Where stories live. Discover now