Chapter 4: See you soon

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I fall asleep in Niall's arms. I still could not believe that Niall saved me from killing myself. He really must love me if he was crying when he pulled me out of the water. After he pulled me out I told him everything that happened to make me end my life and he said was that he would never let it happen again and I believed him.

We stayed up almost the entire night. It was almost 5:00 AM before we fell asleep. I curl up against him it's 10:00 am right now. He sleeps peacefully next to me. I could never get tired of this. I slip out of the bed and give him a peck on the lips before I get to work.

I print off two of a photo we took at the fair. Then I grab some string and slowly make my gift for Niall.

* * *

I finish my gift. I stick it in my pocket and head to the kitchen. I pour everyone a bowl of cereal and leave the milk out. That is when I hear the door bell ring. I run to the door and answer it. "Yes?" I say. I see a bat swing at my face. I duck a run screaming back into my house. "Niall!" I yell.

"Morgan where are you?" He yells back.

"Niall!" Is all I scream. I run down the hall and see Niall come stumbling out of the bedroom. I run and hide behind him. I see who ever it was who tried to hit me with a bat come running down the hall. I see Lily aim for Niall's head but he ducks.

"Get out of this house!!" Niall roars. Lily turns and runs out of the house.

Niall turns to me and asks, "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine just a bit shaken." I answer.

I see Louis come stumbling down the hall. "What was that about?" He asks.

"Lily came and tried to murder Morgan with a bat." Niall sighs.

"Wow! That girl is crazy." Louis says.

"Let's go eat." Niall says as he wraps his arm around my shoulders.

We all sit down at the table and eat in silence. I can't look at Liam because of what he said about me last night. I set my head on Niall's shoulder. Today he wears a green T-shirt. My leprechaun.

Then there is another knock at the door. "I'll get." I sigh.

I open the door and see a man standing there. "How can I help you?" I ask.

"Um it's time for the boys to leave. They have to go and do their next concert." The man says.

"Come in." I smile as I open the door all the way so he can come in.

"Boys!" I yell, "Someone is here for you!"

"Coming!" They all yell at once. I will never get used to that. They all come running out of the dinning room, but stop when they see the man.

"It's time to go boys so say your good byes." The man says.

All the boys nod their heads with solem looks on their faces.

"Bye, Morgan." Louis says as he he hugs me.

"Bye, Love." Zyan says. He gives me a quick hug.

"Bye." Harry says. He hugs me and plants a kiss on my cheek.

"I so sorry." Liam says.

"It's okay." I reply. I run over and give him a hug.

Then I turn to Niall. All the other boys walk out to leave us alone for a minute. I slowly walk over to him. "Thanks." I whisper.

"For what?" He asks.

"Everything." I answer.

"I am so sorry I have to leave." He says.

I Left My Heart on the Dance Floor and Niall Horan Found it (a 1D Love story)Where stories live. Discover now