Chapter 20: Explain

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I nod my head and open the door to the room.

What I see makes my heart stop. I cannot believe my eyes. I see Lily on top of Niall, kissing him and Niall is kissing back!!!!! Wait kissing back????

Niall pushes her off of him and looks at me with his face bright red.

"It's not what it looks like." He says.

The tears that were in my eyes return.

"No Niall it is exactly what it looks like. You were kissing Lily." I yell.

I turn and run out of the room. I race past all the other boys. I push past the police men at the door. I can hear Niall yelling my name behind me.

I run out of the court house with tears streaming down my face.

HOW could Niall do something like that?

He knows that it would destroy me. I run out to the street.

Even in the dark of night I see the headlights clear as day heading straight for me.


Morgan's P.O.V.

Why does life have so much pain?

That question will never be answered because pain is part of your life whether it be mental or physical. Pain is something that you can't avoid.

I feel pain right now.

I race all the way across the street before I fall to my knees. The car that almost hit me honks its horn and keeps driving.

My tears run in rivers down my cheeks. How could Niall do something like that? He knows how much I love him. He knows what it would do to me.

I hold my head in my hands. I just now realize that it is pouring down rain. The cold drops fall as if the sky is crying with me.

"Morgan I am so sorry." I hear Niall say behind me.

"Why did you do it, Niall?" I ask.

"I-I, she forced me to. It was blackmail." He stammers.

"Niall I know that you used to date her. I'm not stupid. Do you still have feelings for her?" I ask now.

"No Morgan I will never have feelings for her. Especially after what she did to you and I." he sighs.

"Niall I really want to believe you but I just don't know if I can." I sob.

"Morgan please believe me. I love you with all my heart and Lily is wanting to get in the way!" Niall exclaims. He pulls me into a hug.

"No, Niall." I pull away shaking my head.

By this time all the boys were out of the court house.

"What happened?" Liam asks.

"I saw Niall kissing Lily." I whisper.

"What?!" Liam fumes.

Harry pulls me into hug. I cry into his shirt while Niall tells Liam what happened.

"I am sorry man. I don't know what to say." Liam says shaking his head.

"We could watch the surveillance camera that's in there." Louis pipes up.

"That's a very good idea Louis." Zayn says.

We all walk back into the court house and ask to see the video that was taken while Niall and Lily were in the room.

As I watch I realize that Niall was right, Lily was blackmailing him.

I turn to Niall.

He runs his hand through his hair while looking at the ground.

"Niall I am so sorry. I-" I start but he cuts me off by pressing his lips to mine.

I relax as tears run down my face again.

He pulls away and says, "I am sorry too. I should not have agreed to talk to her."

He gently brushes a tear from my cheek.

"Let's go home." I whisper.

He nods his head and wraps his arms around my waist. I lay my head on his shoulder.

                                                                     *  *  *

Later that we all sat around and watched T.V.. Low and behold of course the news has to announce what happened.

"Earlier today Niall Horan's girlfriend walked in on him kissing another girl. It turns out that this girl was Lily Williams a long time enemy of Morgan Lightly. Will Niall and Morgan make up or will their relationship go down the drain." The news lady says.

I shut off the T.V. angrily.

"I'm going to bed." I grunt.

I turn and leave the room. I quickly change and crawl into bed.

A while later after all the boys had gone, Niall comes in.

"Hey, are you okay?" He asks crawling in next to me.

"Yeah, I just wish we could have a personal life." I sigh.

"That is the price that comes with dating me." He chuckles.

I smile slightly.

"I have a something to tell you." Niall says.

"What?" I ask turning over to face him.

"We are going on tour again and you are coming with us." He states.

"Cool!" I exclaim. "When does it start?"

"Next week after Lily's trial and she is thrown in jail." He explains.

"Sweet. I can't wait." I say.



Hey everyone!!! So how are you all? I hope you are good. Here are your questions:

1. Are any of you going to their concert? Unfortunately for me they are not coming to Oklahoma! :(

2.Do any of you even read the Author's notes???? I have had no one answering questions!!!!

3. Do any of you have any ideas that you would like me to put in the story if so then please personal message me?

I Left My Heart on the Dance Floor and Niall Horan Found it (a 1D Love story)Where stories live. Discover now