Chapter 13: He came with me

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"Why are you acting like this, Liam?" I blurt out.

He turns to me with tears in his eyes.

"Lily is in the living room. She told me to come in here and get you guys or she would kill the other boys." He says.


I look at Niall. His mouth makes a perfectly shaped O. I most likely have a look if complete horror on my face. He takes my hand and slowly leads me out of the room. We walk into the living room and find all the boys sitting on the couch staring at the gun that Lily holds pointed at their heads.

The moment we walk in Lily turns her gun and points it at us.

"Hello lover boy." Lily sneers.

"Hello Lily." Niall greets softly.

"How is lover boy and my toy?" She asks.

"Morgan and I are fine." He grunts.

"Well then have you healed up well from your last visit?" She asks next.

No one answers this time.

"Well no answer." She says frowning. She walks over to me.

I scoot near Niall.

"Awww is little Morgan scared?" She makes a fake pouting face.

"Get away from me." I yell.

She points the gun at Niall.

"Say that again." She dares.

Niall puts his arm around my shoulders.

"Do you know what I am here for?" She asks me.

"For me." I answer softly.

"Yep." She says.

She grabs my chin and makes me look her in the eyes.

"If you don't come with me well it might be bad for lover boy." She gestures to Niall.

"Get your hands off of her!" Niall yells. He pushes her away from me. She falls and lands on the floor, bum first.

She jumps to her feet and grabs my arm. "You are coming with me." She sneers.

She begins to drag me out of the flat.

"STOP! LET HER GO!" Niall yells.

I try to break free from her grip, but she is just to strong.

"NIALL HELP" I scream.

"I AM COMING!" He yells.

I feel his strong arms wrap around my waist and yank me out of Lily's grip. I turn and bury my face in Niall's chest. He holds me against him and puts his arms around me protectively.

Lily screams. Then I hear a crash. I turn my head just enough to see the door hanging off it's hinges and two very buff guys standing in the doorway.

"How did she manage to get those dudes?" I mutter.

"Where is security when you need it?" I hear Niall mutter.

"Hand over the girl." One says.

Niall's grip on me tightens.

"No." Niall answers plainly.

"Hand her over." The guy repeats.

"No." Niall answers again.

"Hand over the girl or your friends over there get it." The other man threatens. Then pauses and goes on, "If you stay here you will get occasional updates." The man finishes with an evil smile

Niall looks over at the boys who are pale faced and fidgeting. Then he looks down at me.

"If you take her, you have to take me." He finally says.

His grip on me doesn't loosen as the two men lead us out of the flat. We get into a dark van. Lily gets in the front and starts the van. She then begins to drive.

I scoot as close to Niall as i can. I start to cry into his shirt. I am scared, very scared. I don't want to go through what we went through last time again. I don't want to see Niall like that again. He was in so much pain. That puts me in pain.

I feel him hug me.

"Don't be afraid. I am here." He whispers in my ear.

"I'm trying." I sob.

"Shhhhh. It's okay." He coos.

"I just don't want what happened last time to happen again." I say softly.

Suddenly the back doors of the van open to reveal a giant warehouse.

I Left My Heart on the Dance Floor and Niall Horan Found it (a 1D Love story)Where stories live. Discover now