Chapter 3: A screwed up mess

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I open my eyes and see Niall staring at me. He lays right next to me. He holds a lock of my hair to his nose and it looks like he has a mustache. I giggle and he notices that I am awake. He sets my hiar down and clears his throat, "It smells good." That's all he can manage to get out before I burst into laughter. I see a smile spread across his face.

"It's okay." I giggle. "Did you sleep well?" I ask now.

"Yes very well thank you." He says.

"So?" I sit up on my arms.

"So?" He wraps his arm around me. My smile gets wider.

"So what do you want to do?" I ask.

"This." He says. He leans in close and kisses me softly. I relax in his arms and he pulls me even closer. He smiles in the kiss and I smile right back.

"How do you make me feel like this?" I ask into his lips.

"I just do. So you can cry yourself a river then build a bridge and get over it." He says back. I giggle at this expression.

"I am going to go make some breakfast because I don't think the other boys are up yet." I say softly. I slide out of the bed and run to the kitchen. I pull out a dozen eggs and pour them in to a scilet. I scramble them. While they are cooking I put some bisket's in the oven. Singing softly to myself I grab some glasses and pour everyone a cup of Orange juice. Then I set the table and put all the food on the plates. After seating everything down I walk in the living room and see Niall trying to wake up the other boys but having no luck. I walk over to the radio and turn it on real loud. They all jerk awake, startled.

Liam looks at me murderously and says, "Never do that again."

"Breakfast is ready!" I scream over the music then I turn it off and go sit down to a nice breakfast.

Everyone has their own conversation but Niall and I are silent.

"Morgan, can I use your shower?" Niall asks breaking the silence.

"Sure." I answer. Everyone needs to take a shower so why should I say no. He kisses my cheek and sets off to my bedroom.

Everyone stopped talking at the same time and looks at me. "So do you like him?" Louis asks. I give him a weird look as I answer, "Well I don't know. YES! Do you think I'm stupid?!"

"Well I was just asking." Louis says defensively.

"Why did you wake us up with the radio?" Liam asks.

"It was revenge for waking me up with your loud whispering." I cough trying to keep myself from laughing.

"You were awake?" Harry exclaims.

"Yes I was. I heard everything you said." I say.

"Oh man." Harry whispers.

"Oh man. Is right." I laugh.

"We're sorry?" Louis tries.

"Sorry's not going to cut it boys," I sigh. Then I burst out laughing at their faces. "No. I'm kidding it's fine just don't do it again." I giggle. We all sit in the living room and play a game of truth or dare. After a while Niall comes out and asks, "What you doin'?"

"Playing truth or dare." I answer.

"My turn!" Louis yells. "I dare Niall to go in the closet with Morgan and play seven minutes in heaven." He continues.

Niall looks at me and asks, "You up for it?"

"Sure it's a dare we have to do it." I answer.

Niall takes my hand and we walk into the hall closet. "Ready!" Niall yells through the door.

I Left My Heart on the Dance Floor and Niall Horan Found it (a 1D Love story)Where stories live. Discover now