Chapter 35: We're getting Married!

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2 days later:

"We need to tell the boys about the news." I sigh.

"About what?" Niall asks in between bites of his breakfast.

"About us getting married you ding dong." I laugh.

"Oh yeah." He says.

"Oh yeah is right." I smile.

"I think that they're coming over this afternoon. Harry should bring Kate and I already invited Stew and Moe to come over and they can help us start planning for our wedding." He says slyly.

"Oh so you already planned to have them all over today? You know that I have therapy today right?" I ask.

"Oh crap. Sorry I forgot. I'll call them up and tell them not to come. I know how tired you are after therapy." He says quickly, standing up from his chair.

"No, Niall it's okay. I have it here in about an hour then I will have some time to rest before they come over. I'll be just fine. If I'm a little tired that's okay." I explain.

"Are you sure?" He asks.

"Yeah, I'll be fine. Can you give me a ride? Traffic is horrid at this hour because everyone is trying to get to work." I ask, with pleading eyes.

"Of course I can give you a ride. Why would you think that I wouldn't be able to give you a ride?" He exclaims.

"Well I didn't know if you had to go in today or not." I sigh.

"Even if I did have to go in today, I would still give you a ride." He rolls his eyes like it's something I should know.

I just shake my head and stand from my seat. Lucky for me the only bad injury I had was my arm. I can now at least move my fingers, but I have to wear a sling that way my arm isn't just hanging limply.

I pick up my plate with my left hand and carry it to the sink. Unlucky for me, the plate was to heavy and it slipped out of my grasp. It crashed to the floor and shattered everywhere.

"Morgan, Morgan are you okay?" Niall asks as he comes running into the kitchen.

"I'm fine, just watch where you step I don't want you to cut yourself." I say as I reach for the broom to sweep up the mess.

"Here let me do it and you go get ready to go." Niall insists as he takes the broom and starts to sweep up the shattered pieces of plate.

I walk out of the kitchen and into our bedroom to change.

"Oh crud." I mutter.

I forgot that I need some one to help me change, because I can't move my arm.

I mentally face-palm for forgetting.

"Niall can you come and help me change?" I yell.

"Yeah I'll be right there Princess." He answers.

Okay, 'Princess' is new. I wonder when he came up with that nickname.

I manage to put on my pants without any help. Shirt not so much.

"There you go." He sighs as he plants a light kiss on my cheek.

I smooth out my shirt with my left hand as I walk to the bathroom to finish getting ready, while Niall finished cleaning up the mess I made in the kitchen.

"You ready?" Niall yells from the kitchen as I walk out of the bathroom.

"Yeah I'm coming." I answer.

* * *

"Oh good lord, I'm exhausted!" I exclaim weakly as we walk back into the house after therapy.

"Do you wan to go take a nap before everyone gets here?" Niall asks softly as he shuts the door.

"Yeah, that would be nice." I sigh.

Niall takes my hand and leads me into the bedroom. I lay down and sigh loudly as I curl into a ball.

I feel Niall lay down beside me.

"Go to sleep, baby. You'll need it." He whispers gently as he sets my head down on his chest and strokes my hair.

He wraps one arm around me as I wrap my arms around him and hug him tightly.

He chuckles. "You don't want me to leave do you?"

"Nope." I answer.

"Okay, I won't. Now go to sleep." He says.

I close my eyes and fall into peaceful dreams.

* * *

"Morgan wake up. You only have about thirty minutes before everyone gets here." Niall whispers in my ear.

"Five more minutes." I groan.

"That's what you've said for the last hour." He laughs. "So get up sleepy head."

"Fine." I sigh.

"Yay!" He exclaims.

"Why did you let me sleep so long?" I ask.

"You just looked so cute while you were asleep. I didn't want to wake you." He says sliding off the bed.

I just roll my eyes.

"You can be so cheesy sometimes." I laugh.

"You know you love it." He says wiggling his eyebrows.

"I guess I do." I sigh as I give him a peck on the cheek and leave the room.

Suddenly the door bell rings.

"I thought you said that they would be here in thirty minutes?" I yell out to Niall as I walk to the door.

"I guess they're here early." He answers as he comes up behind me at the door.

"Do I look okay? Do I have bed head?" I breath before I open the door.

"You look great as always." He whispers.

I open the door and find everyone standing there.

"Wow everyone came early!" I exclaim.

"Well we couldn't wait to hear the news that you all have!" Kate says pulling me into a hug.

"Whoa okay then! Everyone can come in and we can tell you." I say trying to hide my ring as best I can.

After I let everyone in and a shower of hugs from everyone, I close the door and walk back to the living room.

"Well what's the news?" Moe asks excitedly.

"The other night Niall and I went out to dinner for my birthday as you all know. He gave me an extra special present though." I say very slowly.

Niall reaches down and intertwines our fingers making sure that the ring is visible before he lifts it up for everyone to see.

"You're getting married!" Louis exclaims.

"Yep." I answer with a smile.

"Congrats!" Moe says.

"You all make a great couple." Harry says as he gives me a hug.

"You have a great one there too, Harry." I whisper in his ear, meaning that him and Kate make a good couple.

"You be good to her, you understand me?" Stew says gruffly as he shakes Niall's hand.

"I-I will." Niall stammers.

"Stew." I sigh rolling my eyes.

"You," He says as he turns to me. "Had better call me if you need anything."

"I will." I say as I give him a hug.

The rest of the night consisted of us playing games and joking around and celebrating my engagement with Niall.

I have I feeling my life is going to be a smooth ride from here.

Boy was I wrong.

I Left My Heart on the Dance Floor and Niall Horan Found it (a 1D Love story)Where stories live. Discover now