Chapter 2: Everything about you

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Life is hard and painful and crazy and loud. I wake up to hear people whispering loudly.

"They look so cute together." Louis whisper yells.

"Sh Louis you might wake them." Harry scolds.

I snuggle closer to Niall and he holds me close. My head rests on his arm and his hand on my back. His other arm wraps around my waist. I don't think that Niall is awake yet.

"Hey guys- oh they look so cute." Liam says walking in.

"Shhh!" Louis and Harry whisper.

"They should get together." Harry says.

"Someone take a photo." Liam instructs.

I hear a click and a "Awww" than a "Put it on twitter". I close my eyes and try to go back to sleep. I feel Niall move beside me.

"Oh no he's waking up. Move, move, move!" Liam whisper screams. I hear them scramble out of the room. I close my eyes and pretend to be asleep. I feel Niall gently stroke my hair and move it out of my face. I slowly open my eyes and see Niall's deep blue ones staring into my green ones.

"You have very pretty eyes. Green is my favourite color." He says softly.

"Thank you. Blue is my favourite color." I answer. My eyes flick up to his hair that stands up strait. I reach out and smooth it out. He smiles at this. His smile makes my heart flutter. I smile back.

"I like you." Niall says randomly

"What do you mean you like me?" I ask.

"I like everything about you." He says. I giggle at his song reference. His eyes sparkle. "I really like you. When you were dancing you took my breath away. I don't know what it is you make me smile and my heart race." He continues.

"Well why don't you write me a love song." I laugh at his awkwardness.

"How about I say this I will be here for you no matter what. You can come to me if you need anything." He whispers. He closes his eyes and I close mine. Our lips meet and they mold together. My heart pretty much explodes. Our lips fit together perfectly. He pulls away his cheeks bright red. "I shouldn't have done that." He says.

"No it's fine. That was my first kiss and it was amazing. You made my heart explode." I giggle.

"FOOD!" I hear Liam yell.

I look at Niall and he looks at me. "This never happened." I nod my head agreeing with him.

"Race ya." I say. I jump from the bed and run to the kitchen.

"Darn it you beat me." Niall gasps. I see a stack of pancakes and a mountain of plates. I stack at least four pancakes up and drown them in syrup. I have three helpings. Niall looks at me and says, "You eat as much as I do. If not more." Niall had three helpings too.

By the time everyone had their fill of pancakes we all sat in the living room. "I'm bored. So what is there to do in this town?" Louis moans.

"Well their is a fair going on." I reply.

"Let's go!!!" Louis yells.

We all hop into my SUV and I drive to the fair. I turn up the radio and we sing along to the songs we know. Niall sits in the passengers seat. Suddenly their song 'Everything about you' comes on. He looks over at me as he sings. He grabs my hand and our finger intertwine together. I smile at his silly grin. When we arrive all the boys pull out a pair of sun glasses. I pull out mine too. We all put them on and spill out of the car. Harry and Louis run off in the direction of the theaters. Zyan and Liam walk in the direction of the kid center. That leaves me with Niall. He grabs my hand and we walk to the rides.

I Left My Heart on the Dance Floor and Niall Horan Found it (a 1D Love story)Where stories live. Discover now