Chapter 37: I Object

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Niall's P.O.V.

Today is the wedding and I'm so nervous I can't even think straight. The 'what ifs' are the only thing that I can think about.

What if she changes her mind?

What if I mess up?

What if Lily comes back?

What if... what if..... what if....

Stop it, Niall. You know that none of that is going to happen.

She won't change her mind because she loves you.

You won't mess up because she will be there and help you.

Lily won't mess things up because she is in jail.

See Niall nothing to worry about.

I pace back and forth and argue with myself.

"You alright there Niall?" Harry asks coming up behind me.

I jump slightly as I am startled from my thoughts.

"Yeah I'm great." I answer.

"You sure?" He presses.

"Yes absolutely." I smile.

"You ready for your big day?" Liam asks as he comes into the room.

"I'm more then ready." I say as I imagine Morgan walking down the isle.

Morgan's P.O.V.

Dress on. Check.

Make up on. Check.

Extreme Nerves. Check

I think I might be ready.

Kate keeps running around me fixing my dress, fixing my hair.

"Kate." I call.

She just keeps running around.

"Kate!" I exclaim.

She stops and looks at me, "Yes?"

"I think everything is fine. Stop running around like a chicken with it's head cut off." I laugh.

"Okay, okay I just wanted everything to be perfect for you and Niall." She sighs.

"And it will be." I smile.

"Niall is going to love you in that dress." She says.

"I hope so." I reply.

"You hope so!" She exclaims. "You should know so!"

"Haha fine I know he will love me in this dress." I laugh.

I turn to the mirror and stare at my dress.

"It's almost time." Stew says as he comes into the room.

Stew is going to walk me down the isle.

Kate helps me put on my hair piece and then goes to meet up with Harry.

Minutes later Stew takes my arm and we are on our way down the isle.

Mystery Person's P.O.V.

There she goes walking down the isle to get married.

She never suppose to live long enough to get to this point.

She doesn't know that I'm here and nor does her idiot soon to be husband.

I laugh to myself, I'm going to make a wreck of this wedding.

That stupid smile is going to be wiped right off her face.

Niall's P.O.V.

Look at her. The way she floats as she walks. The way she is smiling. The way her hand hold mine as Stew passes her off. The way her eyes are shinning in the sunlight.

Her hands so soft and delicate rest in mine as the preacher begins to talk.

After a while he gets to the part where he asks if any one objects to this wedding.

Mystery Person's P.O.V.

I hear the preacher ask if any one objects.

I stay silent for a moment then shoot out of my seat.

"I OBJECT!" I yell.

Morgan's P.O.V.

I hear someone yell that they object. I turn very slowly to see who it is.

Oh crap.

I Left My Heart on the Dance Floor and Niall Horan Found it (a 1D Love story)Where stories live. Discover now