Chapter 29: Finding a way out

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Niall's P.O.V.

She just collapsed! She just dropped to the floor!

"MORGAN!" I yell.

I slam my fist into the glass, cracking it.

"What have you done to her?" I ask, staring at Morgan, who lays on the floor passed out.

"I only asked her to drink something." The voice snickers.

I hit the glass again and it blows inward shattering everywhere.

I rush through and kneel next to Morgan. I brush the glass out of her hair.

"Morgan wake up." I say. "Please, I need you. I love you."

She just lays there motionless.

I scoop her up and carry her into the room I was in. I am determined to find the boys and get out of here, and make sure that Morgan is okay.

I need her and she needs me. The more I am around her, the more I love her. She makes me want to be the best I can. I love her.

I sit down and set her in my lap. Her head leans against my chest. I press a kiss to the top of her head.

"Wake up Morgan." I breath.

Suddenly I hear a CRASH. I pull Morgan in close and shield her from the glass that comes flying at us.

"Sorry Niall." Liam sighs.

All the boys walk into the room.

"How did you guys find us?" I ask.

"We just smashed all the mirrors 'till we found you." Harry says.

"What happened to Morgan?" Zayn asks.

"That voice told her to drink something and she did. After that she just passed out." I say looking down at her.

All the boys nod their heads.

"We need to get out of here quickly, so we can get Morgan to the hospital." Liam says.

"Yeah." I agree.

I scoop Morgan up again and cradle her in my arms.

"Let's go." I say.

We are going to find a way out.

I Left My Heart on the Dance Floor and Niall Horan Found it (a 1D Love story)Where stories live. Discover now