Chapter 11: The Interview

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Dare to dream and your dreams may come true, but never dream and they will never come true.

I say that because I have had many dreams in my life but most have been crushed. I want to be a writer. I want to be able to go to a book signing and smile at my faithful readers. I want to be able to sleep in and get up at 12:00 then get to work on my next best seller. I want to be able to spend my time doing things that I enjoy doing.

Not this.

I sit on a very uncomfortable couch with Niall and have a fake smile plastered to my face as I answer questions one after another. Let's just say that I got bored about an hour ago. We have been sitting here for an hour and the show is about two and a half hours long. I do not think that I could stand that long. No way, no how.

"So how have the fans been to you? Have you gotten a lot of hate from them?" The woman asks. I guess this is her talk show.

"Well I have gotten some hate but I think that they are starting to warm up to me." I answer slowly.

"Warm up to you how?" The lady asks now.

"After she sang with us yesterday, she has been trending on twitter." Niall answers for me.

"I heard that you had some rough times when you were back in America. What were those? What happened?" She asks.

"I was uh bullied a lot and yea that is sort of a painful topic." I stammer pulling on the uncomfortably short skirt they made me wear.

Niall puts his arm around my shoulders and hugs me. I can hear the girls outside start screaming again. Will they ever shut up? I ask my self.

The questions go on and on until we are up to the final minute of show.

"Will you kiss her for us Niall?" The host asks.

"Sure." He answers. He pecks my lips knowing that we could not have a make out session on live T.V.. Guess who started screaming even louder? The girls outside that's who. I really wish that they would shut the heck up.

 Suddenly I hear someone yelling some very colorful words at me. I turn to see who it is. Guess who I stand face to face with? The one and only dreadful, horrid, undesirable, distrusted, B****. (okay you get my point) Anyway it was Lily.

 "We thought yoou might like to be reunited with your best friend." Says the host.

 "She is not my friend!" I yell out. "If anything she is my worst enemy."

 "What are you doing here?" Nial grunts walking up to her.

 "I am here to take back what is rightfully mine." She states.

 "And what here is rightfully yours?" Niall asks.

 "She is." Lily says pointing at me.

 "She doesn't belong to you. She is a person." Niall exclaims.

 "She is my toy. She is my play toy to do what ever I want with." Lily sneers.

 "She is not a toy. Morgan is a person who has rights." Niall states.

 I walk and stand beside him. I take his hand which was balled into a fist. He slowly unclinches it and wraps his fingers around my hand. He holds on tight.

 "I told you I would find you." She says.

 "I knew you would come after me." I say harshly.

 "You are coming with me." She says. "Or harm will come to lover boy and his friends."

 Niall's grip in my hand tightens. All the other boys come over. Liam takes my hand and holds it tight.

 "We'll take our chances." Liam states.

 "To bad. You just chose your fate and it will end with a lot of pain." She sneers and turns on her heel and stalks of.

 "Are you okay?" Niall asks me.

 "Yes, I am just fine. I just don't like how she just came in here and started talking like that." I say.

 "I don't eather." Niall says.

 Then all the boys come over and we have a giant group hug. "Thanks for standing up for me." I say softly.

 "You're welcome." The all say at once.

 They all pull away except Niall. He holds me tight. "I love you and I will never let you out of my sight." He says.

 "I hope not." I giggle. "I love you too Niall."

 We walk out of the interview hand in hand. My eardrums hurt from all the screaming. All these girls scream random things at the boys like, "Will you marry me Harry?" and "Will you go on a date with me, Louis?" and "Where did you get your hair done, Zayn?" and "Where did you get that shirt, Liam?" and last but not least, "Where did you get your girlfriend Niall?" I think a boy yelled that one out.

 We get into a limo that drives us back to the flat. We go up to Niall's flat and we all collapse in the living room.

 "I am going to go change out of this tiny skirt." I say.

 I walk into the bedroom and change into a pair of jeans and a T-shirt. I walk back out and go to the kitchen. I grab a bag of chips or crisps whatever you call them. Then I go back to the living room. I plop down beside Niall.

 "Chip." I say offering him the bag.

 "Sure." He takes a hand full and starts shoveling them in.

 "Gotta love food." I sigh.

 "Yep." He agrees.

 "What do y'll wanna do?" I ask.

 "Um we could-" Liam trails off. "I don't know."

 "We could all go out to dinner." Niall suggests.

 "Sure." We all say at once.



Hey everyone! So how are you liking the story so far? I want to know what you all think. I can take some pointers to help make if better.

I want to thank @WeOnLikeDonkeyKong for making the amazing trailer!

I also want to thank my friend @TatePrice for supporting me and being my bestest friend even though I am crazy.

So go follow those people. Do it for the boys. Do it for Niall.

Anyways let me know what you think so far and let me know if you have any ideas to put in the story.





I Left My Heart on the Dance Floor and Niall Horan Found it (a 1D Love story)Where stories live. Discover now