Chapter 21: Two old friends, but can I trust one?

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One week later:

"I find you Lily Williams guilty and the sentence is for life." The judge states. "This trial is dismissed."

Niall takes my hand and leads me out of the court house. I feel like a giant weight has been lifted from my shoulders knowing that I will never have to worry about putting up with Lily ever again.

"I am so glad that is over." I sigh.

"Me too." Niall agrees.

Suddenly my stomach lets out a inhuman noise.

"Sounds like someone is hungry." Niall chuckles.

"Yep." I say popping the P.

 "To Nandos then." He announces.

Soon we sit and dig into food. I watch as Louis starts making weird faces at Harry and Harry is making them right back. I almost choke on my food when they make a really funny one.

"Quit it guys you are going to make Morgan choke to death on her food!" Niall exclaims.

Suddenly my phone rings. I swallow the bite I was chewing before I answer.


 "Morgan where are you?" My friend Kate practically screams in my ear.

"What do you mean where am I? I am in London where did you think I would be?" I ask confused.

"WHAT! Why are you in London?" She exclaims.

"This is where I have been for the past few months." I say.

"Well I come home from collage and go over to your house and find that it is completely empty! That still does not answer my question about why you are in London." She says.

"I am in London with my boyfriend." I sigh.

"You have a boyfriend! When did this happen?" She asks. "What's his name? Where is he from? What does he do for a living?"

 "His name is Niall Horan. He is from Ireland. He is one of the five boys from One Direction." I explain.

 "You are dating THE Niall Horan!" She starts screaming in my ear.

"Girl stop you are blowing my ear drums out with all this screaming and yelling." I say.

"Sorry. Okay I will fly over there right now." She says.

"Alright as long as you don't scream in the boys faces." I sigh.

"I promise." She states.

"Bye Kate call me when you get here okay?"

"Okay! Bye Morgan!" She hangs up.

Good Lord some times that girl drives me insane! I set my head in my hands and sigh.

"Who was that?" Niall asks.

  "That was my long time friend Kate. She just got home from collage and went to my house only to find it empty. So she called me to see where the heck I was. When I told her I was in London with my boyfriend, she wanted to know who my boyfriend is. So when I told her who you are Niall, she started screaming in my ear and she said that she would fly over here as soon as possible." I explain. I take a deep breath as I try to stop the ringing in my ear.

"Well I can't wait to meet her!" He says enthusiastically. "Hey boys Morgan's friend is flying over her from the U.S. to stay with us for a while."  He yells at the boys who are now arguing about whether Star Wars or Star Track is better.

"Gaaahhh guys they are both great movies so just quit you all are giving me a headache!" I scold.

"Okay mommy." Louis says in a baby voice.

I Left My Heart on the Dance Floor and Niall Horan Found it (a 1D Love story)Where stories live. Discover now