Chapter 28: Reflections

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2 weeks later

Zayn is so mush happier now.

He has been going out with my friend, Katerina. They really seem to like each other.

Kate just got back from visiting her family, so her and Harry have been going out a bunch.

We haven't seem hide nor hair of Linzie. It seems like she wen't back to where ever she came from and is trying to regroup and plot against us.

Me and Niall are happy. Life just seems so perfect.

But as we all know, everything good must come to an end. It seems like nothing bad could happen and suddenly that is all that is happening.


It's just because that's what makes the world go 'round.

It makes the world go 'round and 'round.

It makes this ride go 'round and 'round until I feel like I want to hurl.

"ARE YOU OKAY MORGAN? YOU LOOK A LITTLE GREEN." Niall shouts over the rushing wind as we spin around and around on this ride that he insisted me to get on.


Suddenly the ride stops and everyone gets off. I don't because the world is still spinning.

"Are you coming Morgan?" Niall asks.

"Wait until the world stops spinning." I gasp trying to focus in on something.

"If we wait 'till the world stops spinning, then the world would have ended, so lets go." He says.

"Yeah, ha, ha, very funny." I say sarcastically.

He scoops me up from my seat and carries me off the ride.

"I am NOT getting on ride like that EVER again." I mutter.

"What happened to her?" Louis asks.

"We just got off that ride," Niall says pointing at the ride we were just on.

I hit the ground with a thud, because Niall was pointing at the ride instead of holding me up.

"Ow." I complain.

He looks down.

"Oh sorry Morgan. Are you alright?" He asks realizing that he had dropped me.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I grumble.

"So what do you want to do next?" Niall asks me. 

"Let's get on the Ferris wheel!" I exclaim.

"Okay." Niall says.

He takes my hand and leads me to the line.

After waiting in line, we finally get on.

I watch as the ground gets farther and farther away. We stop at the very top.

"It's beautiful." I gasp, looking out and seeing all the lights in the city.

"Yes, you are." Niall sighs.

I smile at him.

He leans in and gives me a quick kiss. He pulls away and smiles back at me.

The rest of the ride consists of us sharing the occasional kiss.

"That was fun." Niall says as we hold hands walking away from the ride.

"NIALL!!!" Someone screams.

I Left My Heart on the Dance Floor and Niall Horan Found it (a 1D Love story)Where stories live. Discover now