Chapter 18: I can't believe my eyes

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Two weeks later:

"He should begin to regain his memories soon, though it may take a few days to a few weeks for him to get them all back." The Doctor says.

The last two weeks I have been a complete mess. I haven't left the hospital once, because I could not leave Niall there alone. The shine has returned to his eyes even though most of the time he sleeps. I have read to him a lot. I had the boys bring The Hunger Games over and I read the entire book to him.

I have tried to be strong for him but it is hard knowing that the love of your life might never remember you. Might not ever remember what you had. Might not remember anything about you. But the boys have been there for me. They have supported me. Liam keeps blaming it on him self. I tell him that it's no one's fault and that no one has to take the blame.


"Yes, love?" I say looking up from my writing. Wow these boys are rubbing off on me.

"I'm hungry." Niall whines.

"Honey you just ate not thirty minutes ago." I laugh.

"Why do you keep calling me things like that?" He asks.

"Once you get all of your memories back you will understand." I say. I stand from my seat and plant a light kiss on his forehead and begin to walk out of the room.

"Where are you going?" He asks now.

"I am going to go get you some more food." I sigh.

"Oh okay." He turns on the T.V. and starts to watch a football (soccer) game.

I walk out of his room and go to the food court. I get him some Nachos figuring that it should be enough for now.

When I come back I find all the boys doing a twitcam.

"Hey everyone!" I greet.

"Look guys it's Morgan!" Louis exclaims.

I wave at the camera.

"What do you have there?" Harry asks.

"Food for Niall." I answer.

I hand Niall his food and he digs in. I sit back down in my chair and write until the boys are done with their twitcam.

"What are you doing Morgan?" Zayn asks looking over my shoulder.

"I am writing." I answer.

"Oooo is that your diary?" Louis asks.

"No it is not." I answer swiftly. The last thing I need is them thinking that this is my diary because it is not.

"Then what is it?" Liam asks now.

"It is where I write my stories." I say.

"What do you mean by stories?" Harry asks.

"I have always written stories. I want to become a published author one day. I am just finishing this story off now. I have been writing this one for two years now." I say.

"Wow." Liam gasps.

"Wow is right I put a lot of time and effort into this. I just hope that one day it will be published." I sigh.

"Visiting hours are over. Everyone needs to leave except if you are staying the night." A nurse says.

All the boys nod their heads. They give me and Niall a hug and leave.

I walk over to Niall and find that he is asleep. I sit down next to him. I smile at his peaceful expression. I brush the hair out of his face. It's starting to return to its normal color because he hasn't bleached it in a while. I like him with his normal hair color it looks more natural.

I Left My Heart on the Dance Floor and Niall Horan Found it (a 1D Love story)Where stories live. Discover now