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*Timeskip to when Megumi is in his 3rd year of junior high, (F/N) in her 1st year of Jujutsu Tech, Tsumiki in her 2nd year of high school*


It was summer before I would be going to my 3rd year of junior high. It was around lunch time when I heard a thud in the kitchen. 

I went downstairs to see what happened when I saw Tsumiki lying on the floor unconscious. "TSUMIKI!" I ran over to her and shook her. She didn't respond to me nor woke up so now I was panicking.

I grabbed my phone and called (F/N). "Moshi moshi?" I heard (F/N) say. "(F/N)! Tsumiki I think fainted and is unconscious! I don't know what to do!?" I shouted.

"Ok! I'll come home quickly! Stay calm, Megumi. Bye." She replied quickly."Bye." I did as (F/N) said and hoped for her to come home quickly.


After I finished the call, I quickly got the rest of the groceries, paid for them, and ran home. On the way home while carrying the groceries, I called Gojo-san. 

"Moshi moshi? (F/N)-chan? You never call me. What did I do to deserve the pleasure of getting a call..." I cut him off. 

"Now is not the time! Tsumiki fainted! Megumi called me. I'm right now running home." I said while running. "Ok. I'll be right there." Gojo-san replied.

When I arrived, I kicked the door open and rushed to the kitchen. I placed the groceries on the counter and helped Megumi. 

"I don't know why she fainted! I was upstairs!" Megumi yelled. He looked stressed and about to cry. "Don't worry. I called Gojo-san. He's gonna come and help." 

I, too, was stressed but didn't show it. Or so I thought. Gojo-san then came to the kitchen and saw us on the floor trying to help Tsumiki. 

When he looked at Tsumiki, his eyes widened behind his glasses. "Let's bring Tsumiki to the hospital. I'm gonna call someone to meet us there too." He said. "Ok." We nodded.

When we went to the hospital, the nurse and doctors went to help Tsumiki. 

Me, Megumi, and Gojo-san waited in the waiting room. I hugged Megumi and comforted him. 

It was really out of character for him to act like this but at least I know he cares for Tsumiki. "Don't worry, Megumi. It's gonna be alright." I whispered. 

Gojo-san was just watching us while waiting for the person he called for. "Gojo." 

Me, Megumi, and Gojo-san looked over to where the voice came from and spotted at a female maybe around Gojo-san's age.

-She's pretty.- "Yo, Shoko." Gojo-san greeted. "Why'd you want to see me here?" The woman asked. "Well, I want you to meet the kids I've been taking care of." 

And without me and Megumi noticing and hearing, Gojo-san continued. "And I want you to examine a specific patient." "Ok." The woman nodded.

"Megumi, (F/N)-chan, this is Ieiri Shoko. A friend of mine and classmate from when I was still in school." Gojo-san called out.

I removed my arms from around Megumi and bowed. "Nice to meet you Leiri-san. My name is Fushiguro (F/N) but you can call me (F/N) and this is my little brother Megumi." I introduced ourselves.

"Nice to meet you (F/N)-chan, Fushiguro-kun. You can call me Shoko." The woman replied. Now we all wait for the doctors to let us see Tsumiki. 

It took about a few minutes for the doctor to call for us. 

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