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Today was New Year's Day. Even though it's not on a weekend, I went home to Megumi to spend the day with him. 

"Knock knock. I'm home, Megumi!" I said. "Welcome. I'm in the kitchen." Megumi said. I went inside the kitchen and saw him. 

"Want breakfast?" He asked. "Ya sure. What's for breakfast?" I asked. "Miso soup and eggs." He replied. "Ok." I nodded.

He placed the food down and sat in front of me. "Sorry for not visiting during Christmas." I said. 

"It's fine. I heard what happened on the 24th so you deserve a rest. I got the present you sent me. Thanks for the cursed tools." He said.

"No problem. I realized during the 24th that I should rely on my cursed techniques too much and decided to use cursed tools too. I got you them so we could match." I said.

"Is that so? Do you know how to use them?" He asked. "Kinda. I'm practicing with Maki-chan. So what I learn, I'll teach you." I said.

"Sure." He nodded. We then ate breakfast in a comfortable silence. "Wanna go to the shrine after this?" I asked. "Sure." He said.


They cleaned up and got ready. They went to the shrine, rang the bell, bowed, clapped, prayed, and bowed again. 

"Let's go pick out our fortunes." (F/N) said. "Ok." Megumi nodded. They both grabbed a piece of paper that was tied to a pole? "Let's show them on the count of three." (F/N) said.

"Sure." Megumi nodded. "1... 2... 3!" The girl shouted. They opened their papers and showed each other. We both got blessings. 


Mine was half blessing while Megumi's was small blessing. "No bad." I said. "Ya." Megumi said. "Let's get going now." I said.

We spent the whole day together eating, sightseeing, and talking. Now it was the end of the day. "Bye Megumi! I'll see you soon." I said.

"Ya. Bye (F/N)." He replied. Ijichi-san picked me up as always and brought me back to the school. I went to my dorm, did my bedtime routine, and hit the hays.

When I woke up, it was 7:00. I got up and did my morning routine. I entered the class and greeted everyone there. 

"Good morning Maki-chan, Panda, Inumaki-kun, Okkotsu-kun." I greeted. "Good morning (F/N)/(F/N)-chan!" "Kelp." They greeted back.

Just then, Gojo-sensei walked in. "Good morning class! I got news for you!" He yelled. "What's the news?" We asked.

"Well... Drum roll please!?" He smiled. We all just deadpanned at him. "Just do it to figure out what the news is." He said.

We all did as he asked. "Yuta! (F/N)! You guys will be going on a mission and training overseas! The same place but different places!" Gojo-sensei yelled.

"What?" Okkotsu-kun questioned. "A mission and training overseas?" I asked, still trying to wrap what was happening in my head. 

"Yup! You'll be going to Africa! Yuta, you'll be training with a friend of mine named Miguel. You, (F/N), will be by yourself. I want you to train on your Reversed Cursed Technique, domain, and other shikigamis. Also your Projection Sorcery." Gojo-sensei continued.

I was shocked. -Me? Going overseas?- "Do I have to?" I asked. "Yes. Both you and Yuta have the potential to surpass me. Not yet though!" He said.

"When are we going?" I asked. "Next week so you guys still have time to spend in Japan." Sensei said. "Ok. I'll go." Okkotsu-kun said. "What about you, (F/N)-chan?" Gojo-sensei asked.

"Um. I don't want to leave you all though. Especially Megumi." I reasoned. "You can always call us, (F/N)-chan! If you go, the faster you master everything you are supposed to train, the faster you will come back." Sensei said.

"Ok. I'll go." I said. "Great! I'll set everything ready to go. You guys just train. Got it?" Sensei said. "Ya." I nodded. Gojo-sensei then left. -Going overseas, huh?-


A week has passed. All (F/N) did during that week was spend time with the first years and Megumi. Megumi was sad that she was leaving to go overseas but understood. 

Now everyone was at the airport wishing them a good flight. Yes, even Megumi was there too. "Look at my students! I'm such a proud teacher!" Gojo said while fake crying. 

"Stay safe (F/N). You better call me every weekend." Megumi said. "Don't worry, Megumi. I will. I will call everyone actually." (F/N) said.

"Good." Megumi nodded. The speaker then rang. "Passengers on the flight from Japan to Africa, please go to gate C. Passengers on the flight from Japan to Africa, please go to gate C." 

"That's our plane. Well it's time to go." Okkotsu said. "Ya. Bye Megumi. Yaga-san. Gojo-sensei. Maki-chan, Panda, Inumaki-kun." (F/N) said. 

"Bye Minna-san!" Okkotsu said. "Bye Yuta/Okkotsu-kun! Bye (F/N)/(F/N)/-san/(F/N)-chan!" They said back. "Bye!"

Before they left with their luggage, Inumaki grabbed onto (F/N)'s arm. "Sujiko. Tuna tuna." Inumaki said.  

(Translation: "Hey, look here. I just wanted to tell you that you can call me Toge.") 

"Oh. Sure, Toge-kun." (F/N) smiled. "Salmon." Inumaki nodded. He then waved his hand. Now (F/N) and Okkotsu left to gate C with their luggages. 

"You know, you can call me Yuta." Okkotsu said. "Ok, Yuta-kun." (F/N) said. He smiled. "Let's have a safe flight." The boy said. "Ya." The female nodded.

They went into the plane and placed their luggages in the overhead bins. They then sat beside each other. 

"I have a question. Who are you staying with? I'm staying with Miguel." Okkotsu asked. "Gojo-sensei booked an airbnb for me to stay at. He paid for like 3 months." (F/N) replied.

"Damn. He must be loaded." Okkotsu commented. "He's the strongest sorcerer. When we get higher ranks, we also get paid." (Y/N) said. "I see." He nodded.

The plane started to take off. A few hours later, they landed. "Well, this is where we part ways. I'll give you a call, Yuta-kun." (F/N) said.

"Ya. I'll call you too." He said. "You're waiting for Miguel, right?" She asked. "Ya, I am." Okkotsu confirmed. "I'll wait with you." (F/N) said.

"You sure? It's pretty hot here." He asked. "Of course." The girl nodded. A call was then heard. 

"Are you perhaps Okkotsu Yuta? The one Gojo asked me to monitor? I'm Miguel." The male introduced. 

"Yup. That's me." Okkotsu nooded. "I see. Who are you then?" Miguel asked. (F/N) bowed. "My name is Fushiguro (F/N). I'm also going overseas here like Yuta-kun. I'm not under your care so don't worry." (F/N) said.

"I see. Nice to meet you Fushiguro-san." Miguel said. "Ah. (F/N) is just fine." The girl corrected. "Ok then, (F/N)-san." Miguel said.

"Well I should get going on. See you next time, Yuta-kun, Miguel-san." (F/N) bid them goodbye. "Bye (F/N)-chan!" "See ya, (F/N)-san." They said to the girl.


I took a taxi to the address Gojo-sensei sent me. That address led me to the airbnb I was to stay at. I got out and looked at it in disbelief.

-I know he was loaded but he didn't have to go to the extent like this. Like what is this!? A huge ass house. No scratch that. A mansion! There's a backyard outdoor pool! The backyard is HUGE! There's a forest in the back too! I could train there.- 

I went in and looked around. -I'm the only one staying in this place! Why the hell is it this big!?- I picked 1 of the I don't know, 8 rooms to unpack. -This is just the start of this journey, huh?-

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