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*Flashback to when the semi grade 1 curse was exorcised*

In the teacher and principal's room, all the flags? burned. Burned red to be exact. "Huh?" Everyone in the room was surprised. 

"Game over? And all Tokyo red?" Utahime asked. "Strange. My crows haven't seen anything either." Mei Mei said.

"I'd like to say that my students exorcised all the curses! Thanks to me of course." Gojo boasted. "But even when exorcised with non registered curse energy, it'll burn red." Yaga said.

"It must be an intruder?" Gakuganji asked. "Is there something wrong with Master Tengen's protective barrier?" Utahime said.

"Intruder or not, this is an unexpected situation." Principal Yaga stood up and ordered. 

"I'm heading over to Master Tengen. Satoru, you go with Principal Gaukuganji to rescue the students. (F/N)-san would also be of help with that. Mei Mei-san will work here and try to get a look at where the students are located. Please let Satoru and the others know as soon as you find out." 

"Understood. I'll be looking for that bonus." Mei Mei said. Gojo then stood up too. "Let's go, grandpa! You just had your lunch, right!?" Principal Gakuganji ignored Gojo. "Let's go." Utahime said.

*End of the flashback*

Everyone (Somewhat) saw the curtain falling down from above. Todo and Itadori were one of the many that saw. 

"IS THAT A CURTAIN!? WHY NOW!" Itadori yelled. Gojo, Uthaime, and Principal Gaukuganji were running like life depended on it. 

"GOJO! BEFORE THE CURTAIN FULLY FORMS YOU GO ON AHEAD!" Utahime yelled. "No can do." Gojo said. "WHAT!?" She yelled.

"Well we'll just rip it apart after it's complete." Gojo said. As they stopped the curtain was complete like Gojo said. 

Meanwhile, Kamo, Inumaki, and the Fushiguro siblings were running away from the unregistered special garde curse, Hanami. 

Just as the curtain was complete, (F/N) was suddenly thrown up into the air and out of the curtain. "TUNA TUNA! TAKANA!?" Inumaki yelled.

"(F/N)/(F/N)-SAN!?" Kamo and Megumi yelled. The said girl was shocked that she couldn't do anything or more like she couldn't. She looked below her and yelled. 

"DON'T WORRY ABOUT ME! WORRY ABOUT THE CURSE! GOOD LUCK!" And like that she was thrown out.

Just as Gojo was about to touch the curtain, (F/N) was flown out, shocking the 3 outside the curtain and Mei Mei from the cameras. 

She crashed right into the building behind them. "(F/N)-CHAN/(F/N)-SAN!" They ran to her. "I'm... Fine." The girl said.

She stood up as blood trickled down her face. "No you're not, (F/N)-san. You have blood coming down your forehead and you are injured. Just sit down and let us handle the situation." Utahime said.

"Sensei, I'm fine I promise. I could heal myself anyways." (F/N) started to use her Reversed Cursed Technique. 

"I forgot you could do that!" (F/N) just deadpanned at her so-called teacher. The 2 from Kyoto were surprised. 

They are officially convinced that she can be a special grade by now. After (F/N) was done, she faced the curtain. "Let's go help everyone." She said.

Once again, Gojo and this time (F/N) tried to go in the curtain but were blasted back. "Huh?" Gojo just looked at his hand. 

"Hey. Why did you 2 get repelled but I didn't?" That made the Tokyo's teacher student duo look at Utahime. Gojo then smirked. 

"I see. Utahime, gramps, you to go ahead. This curtain in exchange for denying Gojo Satoru and Fushiguro (F/N) entrance gives others free entry!" Gojo said.

That put the Kyoto adults on high alert. (F/N) then spoke up. "If that's the case then there's a very skilled curse user in there. And they got a fair amount of info on us." She said.

"You're right, (F/N)-chan." Gojo said. "OH! There is an unregistered special garde curse in there. To be specific, the one I encountered on the day I came back from Africa. The one that has roots for eyes. It's techniques have something to do with nature." (F/N) continued.

The adults looked at (F/N). "Is that so?" Gojo asked. "We're in for a ride." Utahime said while looking at (F/N) then the curtain.

With the boys, they were stuck at a dead end. "Why is there a cursed spirit here? Who's curtain is that? And why did (F/N)-san get thrown away?" Kamo asked.

"I'm concerned for my sister's well being. But it's probably coming for whoever is working with this cursed spirit. The curtain I mean." Megumi said.

"Koff!" Inumaki started to cough. Kamo turned to Megumi. "Huh? You know something?" Kamo asked. Megumi then faced the cursed spirit and looked at her intensely. 

"I think this is the special grade that attacked Gojo-sensei before and what (F/N) saw. It matches the description she drew." Megumi explained.

"Tuna mayo." Inumaki made a phone symbol with his hand. "Yes, you're right. Let's call Gojo-sensei." Megumi looked for his phone.

Kamo looked confused. "Wait a minute. You could understand that?" Kamo asked. 

"Does that matter right now? It might use domain expansion on us. We need to contact Gojo-sensei and..."

He was cut off by Hanami smacking the phone out of his hands. "DON'T MOVE!" Inumaki cast his spell as they moved back a little. 

Kamo used his Blood Manipulation Technique to attack the curse but no damage happened. Megumi summoned Nue to attack too as he came in with a sword but no damage happened.

"TSK!" Hanami started to talk about how humans impact the Earth in her language but it translates in their mind. "This is creepy." Megumi muttered.

"It's the curse talking nonsense! Ignore it!" Kamo said. "It's not a low level curse, though. They've formulated their own language." Megumi said. "Get Inumaki out of here." Kamo ordered.

With the Kyoto adults, they entered the curtain and ran into a curse user. "Tsk!" "Hey, hey, hey! Hey, hey, hey! Where's Gojo Satoru!? That deprived monk tricked me!" Baldie yelled.

"Utahime, let me handle this. Saving the students is number 1. Don't fight if you don't have to." Gakuganji ordered. Utahime started to run away. 


"Hollow, huh?" Kyoto's principal then took out his guitar. "Why don't you kill me and find out if my bones are really hollow!?" He yelled. 

"Get back when you go drink milk! You rotting old guy!" Insulted Kumiya.

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