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It's been 2 weeks since Tsumiki is in a coma. Megumi is now bottling his feelings up and giving everyone the cold shoulder. He has his exceptions like me. 

Now it's around back to school so earlier this morning, Gojo-san or Gojo-sensei, picked me up from the house to go to school at Jujutsu Tech. 

Luckly, I got my necessary stuff packed because I would be staying at the doors. "You ready? It might take us a long time because it's in Tokyo." Gojo-san asked. 

"Ya, I'm ready. Bye Megumi! I'll see you on the weekends. Take care!" I yelled. "Bye." I heard him say back. After that, off we went.

There was a car waiting for us. Gojo-sensei opened up the door and told me to go in. I did as I was told. Gojo-sensei went in after me. 

"This is Ijichi Kiyotaka and in the passenger seat is Nitta Akari. Ijichi is the assistant director and Nitta is the auxiliary Manager of Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical College or Jujutsu Tech to be short. And as you can see, I'll be your teacher! The great Gojo Satoru!" He introduced everyone in the car.

I ignored the person beside me and greeted the 2 at the front. "Nice to meet you, Ijichi-san, Nitta-san. I'm Fushiguro (F/N). (F/N) is just fine." I said. 

"Likewise, (F/N)-san." Ijichi-san replied. "Nice to meet you too, (F/N)-chan." Nitta-san said. The car then stopped at a forest that had an entrance. 

"We're here." The 2 announced. We all got out of the car while Gojo-sensei gave me my stuff. "Good luck, (F/N)-chan." Nitta-san said.

"Ah, thank you Nitta-san. Have a nice day." I replied. I waved at them and began to follow Gojo-sensei.


Gojo and (F/N) are now walking up the long stairs to the main place. Gojo spoke up to the girl at his side.

"This school is one out of 2 jujutsu education facilities in the country. To the outside world, it's known as a private religious school. Even after graduation, many jujutsu sorcerers use the facility as a home base. It's a cornerstone that not only serves as a place of education but provides meditation for missions and general support for the jujutsu community."

"That's the longest sentence you said without being childish." (F/N) said. "What do you mean, (F/N)-chan!?" Gojo whined. "That is what I mean." She depanned. 

"Anyways, you are having a meeting with the principal." Gojo said. "Eh? Why?" (F/N) asked. "I can't say but don't worry, you'll be fine." Gojo shrugged.

"Ok." She nodded. They finally reached the top of the stairs and started to go to the principal's office.

When they reached the office, Gojo knocked on the door and a voice inside said come in. He opened the door with (F/N) following in. 

The room was dark with candles being the light source. In the back of the room sat a person with stuffed animals surrounding him. 

"Is this the girl that was sold to the Zenin clan?" The nam asked. "Yup." Gojo nodded. He then turned to (F/N). "That is the principal, Yaga Masamichi." Gojo pointed.

(F/N) stepped forward, bowed, and introduced herself. "Nice to meet you, Yaga-san. My name is Fushiguro (F/N)." She said. "Why are you here?" Yaga asked.

"Can you please define 'Why are you here?'?" (F/N) asked back. "Why do you want to become a jujutsu sorcerer?" Yaga replied.

"After my older sister got cursed. I want to protect my loved ones." The girl stated. (F/N) stares right into Yaga's eyes.

What (F/N) didn't know is that Yaga got chills from her stare. He then slightly smirked and looked at Gojo. 

"Satoru, show her where she'll be staying. Also explain to her about the security and rules. You pass. Welcome to Jujutsu Tech, Fushiguro-chan." Yaga said.

He put his hand out for (F/N) to shake. She took his hand. "Thank you for having me. And you can just call me (F/N), Yaga-san." (Y/N) replied. "Ok, (F/N)-san." Yaga corrected.


After the interview with the principal, Gojo-san led me to my dorm. I looked around the campus/school ground.

"This is your dorm for the rest of your stay at Jujutsu Tech. Just a heads up, there are not many people here at Jujutsu Tech. Don't worry, it's normal." Gojo-san said.

"It's pretty spacious." I noted. I look around the dorm. There was a bed, desk, mini kitchen that had all the necessities, a wardrobe, and a bathroom.

"This is a map around the school for you. After you finish getting settled in, you are free to roam around. Curfew is 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. Classes are at 8 a.m. and ends at 12 p.m. from Mondays to Friday. You can use the cafeteria to make your meals and eat with the others or you can go buy stuff and cook in your dorm. That's it." Gojo-san continued. (I just made all that up)

"Ok. Thank you Gojo-san." I said with a small smile. "No problem and from now on, call me Gojo-sensei." He said. "Ok, Gojo-sensei." I corrected. 

"Oh! I almost forgot, you can design your own uniform. After you're done with it, send it to Yaga-san. You can decorate your dorm too." Gojo-sensei said. "Oh, ok." I nodded.

After Gojo-sensei left, I settled in. I place my clothes in the wardrobe and my bathroom care in the bathroom. 

After I finished, I grabbed the map Gojo-sensei gave me and walked around campus. I started to familiarize myself with the place.

After my tour, I went back to my room to create a list of things I need for my meals and while I'm at it, things I want to decorate my door with. I also designed my uniform. 

(Use your imagination for the food, decorations, and uniform.) When I finished my uniform and list, I got up, grabbed my phone and purse, and headed to the principal's office.

I knocked on the door and when I heard a come in, I went in. "Sorry to bother you Yaga-san. I just came by to drop off my uniform." I said. "It's ok and thank you." Yaga-san took the paper.

"No problem, I shall take my leave." I bowed and left. After I left, I went to the grocery store and bought the things I needed. Then I headed to the mall to buy decorations.

It was now getting dark so I headed back. When I entered back into my dorm, I placed the food in the fridge, took a shower, cooked dinner, decorated my dorm, brushed my teeth, and went to bed.

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