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After witnessing a scene of crime in Itadori's life, he ran to get help. "SENSEI! SENPAI! MINNA-SAN!" The boy yelled.

The said people, Gojo, the 2nd years, and the 1st years, were sitting under a tree that provided shade. It was really hot outside. "Huh?" They questioned.

"(F/N)-san is getting hit on!" The boy yelled. That got everyone up and their feet. Megumi's really to protect his sister.

They all started to run with Gojo leading. "Formation B!" He said. "Roger!" The students yelled. 

There they saw Fushiguro (F/N) talking with a group of dudes that looked like they were not from Tokyo. 

The students came running to her. "(F/N)-SHAN/(F/N)-CHYAN!" The students yelled. They then wrapped themself on her. (Yes, Panda is there. He is a walking panda giving balloons to kids.)

"Who are those dudes!?" "Have you forgotten the night you toasted for my eyes!?" "Was it all a lie when you said your time with me was the most enjoyable of all!?" They questioned and yelled.

"That night! That night!" "Salmon. Salmon!" "I told you no boyfriend until you're 50!" "Are you replacing me?!" "Who's gonna spar with me once you're gone with someone else!?" "Jealousy jealousy!" "You betrayed me!" They continued.

"What? Seriously, what?" (F/N) muttered while her eyes were twitching. Footsteps were then heard. 

"Could you please not touch her so casually, please, you homewreckers!?" Everyone stopped and looked at the new person. 

"(F/N)-chan has violin practice with me now. Let's go home, (F/N)-chan. Today I'll have you master Twinkle Twinkle Little Star'." It was Gojo.

(F/N) turned to the group of guys. "It's ok. Don't mind them. Just go ahead. The station's straight ahead." She pointed in the direction. 

"Thank you very much." The group bowed and left. "Huh?" Everyone questioned. She then looked at the jujutsu group. 

"Ok, seriously, what is this? Could you all stop? You're embarrassing me." (F/N) said with a deadly glare.

Gojo just looked at her while she was angry. "Explain! Megumi! You are a part of this too!?" The girl yelled. The rest left while Itadori stood right in front of (F/N). 

"So this is your doing?" She asked. "Y-yes." Itadori nodded. "Come on. I'd like to have a chat with you." She grabbed his hand and started to drag him. "HELP!"

The group of jujutsu sorcerers just looked at the 2 while praying for Itadori. "May you rest in peace by Fushiguro (F/N) rather than the higher ups." 

ONEE-SAN - JUJUTSU KAISENWhere stories live. Discover now