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Today is Saturday which means today I get to spend the weekend with Megumi. Throughout the week, me and the rest of the first-years had classes, training, and small missions. 

We also got to know each other better. We now understand what Inumaki-kun is saying thanks to Yaga-sensei's dictionary. 

I woke up, did my morning routine, and reminded Gojo-sensei and Yaga-san that I would not be in the dorms for the weekends. 

Gojo-sensei told Ijichi to drive me home so he did so. "Thank you, Ijichi-san for driving me home even though you didn't have to." I said.

"It's not a problem (F/N)-san. Please call me when you need a lift back to the school." Ijichi-san replied.

"It's fine. I'll just take the bus." I said. "No, no. I insist." Ijichi-san said. "Ok. Thank you again!" I said with a smile.

 "Bye, (F/N)-san." Ijichi then took off. I walked up to the house and opened the door. "Megumi! I'm home." I yelled.

A voice from the kitchen replied. "Hey." He replied. "Good morning, Megumi." I said. I took off my shoes and walked to the kitchen. 

"Morning. Want breakfast?" He asked. "No, it's fine. I already had breakfast at school." I said. "Suit yourself." He repiled.

We sat down at the dinner table and talked. "How's staying here without me and Tsumiki?" I asked. 

"Quiet and boring to be honest. Usually when you guys are still here, I would hear Tsumiki talking and you watching TV. But anyways, how's the school?" Megumi said.

"It's great actually. I have 3 other classmates named Inumaki Toge, Panda, and Zenin Maki. Believe it or not, Maki is basically our aunt because of dad coming from the Zenin clan. They were cousins." I said.

"Really? What about the others?" He asked. "Ya. Panda is a panda. But he's a cursed corpse made by the principal. Inumaki is a cursed speech user. He uses rice ball ingredients to talk." I explained. 

"What an odd bunch." Megumi commented. "I know right? How's school for you?" I asked. "The usual. Learn and beat up the nearby delinquents." He shrugged. "Did you win?" I asked.

"Obviously." He said. "That's good. Are you making your meals now?" I asked. "Ya. You and Tsumiki made me learn cooking." Megumi said.

"Good, good. Are you still practicing on your shikigamis?" I asked. "Ya but since you're not here, it's hard without your guidance." He stated. 

"But Gojo-sensei always comes here, right?" I asked. "Ya but he's a nuisance." Megumi bluntly said. 

"HAHAHA! Ok, how about every weekend on Sunday, we practice? Saturday is for bonding and maybe visiting Tsumiki day." I said.

"Sure." He nodded. Megumi then finished eating and then started to do the dishes. I helped him with the dishes. 

"Are you sleeping here or are you going back to the school and then come back?" He asked. "I'm sleeping here, obviously." I stated. "Ok." Megumi nodded.

When we finished, I made Megumi get changed so we could head out. When he finished, we started to go out. "What should we do huh, Megumi?" I asked.

"Let's go to the library or at least somewhere quiet." He said. "Ok. Library it is." I nodded. We went to the said destination and got some books to read. 

I got some romance books and mangas while Megumi got horror and mystery. We read the books till lunch. 

"What should we have for lunch, Megumi?" I asked. "Ramen? Udon? Katsudon?" Megumi listed. "Ramen!" I smiled.

"Sure." He nodded. We then went for ramen. After lunch, we went sightseeing. After that, we went to get dinner and visit Tsumiki till night.

Today is Sunday, which as I said is training day. I woke up, did my routine, and woke Megumi up. After he did his morning routine, we were now in the backyard. 

"Ok so which shikigamis have you tamed?" I asked. "Demon dogs and Toad." He replied. "Ok, how about we work on Nue?" I asked.

"Ok." He nodded. "This is the hand sign." I did the hand sign and showed him. "And like Demon dogs, you have to shout." I took a deep breath. "NUE!" I yelled.

Then, Nue came alive from my shadow. I opened my arm and Nue landed on it. I stroke it's feathers. 

"This is what Nue is supposed to look like. It may be a little different from mine because we both are 2 different people. Can you try?" I stated. 

"Ya, I think I got it." He replied. Megumi did the hand sign and yelled out for Nue but nothing happened.

I dispelled Nue to go help Megumi. "Your hands are not in the right position." I showed him what it was supposed to be like. He copied mine but it still didn't match. 

I moved closer to him and started to fix his fingers. "There. Try again." I said. "NUE!" Then his Nue came out. It started to surround Megumi. It's wings started to charge up with electricity and shocked Megumi! 

"OW!" He yelled. He dispelled Nue. "Oops. I forgot to tell you that Nue has electric wings." I looked at him.

"Really?" Megumi depanned at me. 

"Sorry. But now that you got Nue out, try again. This time stick your arm out and when Nue lands, start to pet it. And after you do that, start practicing getting it out and dispelling it. Then we can learn how to make Nue attack." I said. "Got it." He nodded.

Like I said, Megumi did as I told him. So now we are practicing on how to make Nue attack. We did this until night, with breaks in between. 

Now here I am, standing outside the house, waiting for Ijichi-san to pick me up. "You know, I might ask Yaga-san if you can visit Jujutsu Tech." I said.

"Really?" He asked. "Ya and when he answers, I'll text you." I said. "Ok then." Megumi nodded.

Just then, Ijichi-san rolled up. "Let's get going, (F/N)-san." Ijichi-san said. "Got it! Bye, Megumi. Take care." I smiled. "Ya. You too." He waved. I went in the car and off we went back to the school.

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