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After Megumi confronted Kamo, they ended up in a building fighting blood, sweat, and tears. 

As Kamo's arrows were about to hit Megumi, the said boy made hand signs and summoned The Well's Unknown Abyss. The Well's Unknown Abyss used it's tongue and grabbed the arrows.

 Another arrow was about to hit Megumi when he used his wooden tonfas to block them. Blood then splattered. Megumi now understood Kamo's technique. 

Kamo on the other hand looked at Megumi from where he was standing, which was on top of the stairs. 

"You can summon more than one shikigami at the same time just like your sister, right? I don't really appreciate that you're holding back." Kamo said.

Megumi stared back at Kamo. "You're down to your last arrow too, right? I'm not gonna help you if you collapse from anemia." Megumi shot back.

"Not to worry. These are prepared in advance." Kamo then shot his last arrow at the ceiling, distracing Megumi. 

While that was happening, Kamo ran down the stairs and tried to punch Megumi but he blocked it with his weapons. 

"Nice reflexes. Don't lose focus now!" Kamo then attacked again and slammed Megumi into a wall while breaking one of his tonfas. 

"Doping!?" Megumi yelled. Kamo opened his eyes. "Very good. Although I don't appreciate the negative connotation." Kamo said.

With Miwa, she was still shocked that her sword was stolen. Just then, her phone started to ring. It was 'Mechamaru' so she picked it up. 

"Hello? Useless Miwa here." She said. "Sleep." It was Inumaki. Panda gave Inumaki Mechamaru's phone. 

Just like that, Miwa fell asleep. Literally fell. The principals and teachers were watching everyone's movement. 

"Yikes! She fell asleep! I'm heading over." Utahime said. "Huh? Why?" Gojo asked. "It's dangerous leaving her like that in a forest full of curses." Utahime explained.

Kyoto's principal was silent. Let's rewind to what happened before the event started shall we? 

Before, Principal Gakuganji talked to Kamo about releasing a semi grade one curse that is trained well into the event to try and kill Itadori. 

Anyways, that was when the old principal decided to speak up. "Yes, I'm worried about Miwa. Hurry and get her." 

After Inuamki ended the call, he put the phone back into his pocket. "Yo, Toge-kun!" The said boy jumped out of his skin. He turned around and saw our badass lead. 

"Ah! Kelp." He greeted. "Sorry. Did I scare you?" (F/N) asked. "Salmon." Inumaki then ruffled Megumi's demon dog and dispelled it. 

"Return." "Say, do you want to go curse hunting with me?" The girl asked. "Salmon." Just like that, the 2 second years were on their way.

While walking, they then felt a curse nearby and were on guard. "Kelp." Inumaki readied his collar while (F/N) was in position to attack. 

Stepping out from a nearby tree was the semi grade 1 curse. It shocked the both of them because they saw that it was a semi grade 1 when Principal Yaga said that they were releasing a grade 2 curse. 

Just then, the curse's eyes rolled back and it's head fell off. A new curse with a big build and roots for eyes then came out talking gibberish. 

(F/N) knew the curse. It was the curse that she and Megumi encountered when she came back from Africa. "Salmon, salmon roe. Spiced cod roe." Inumaki said in his language.

"This is an unregistered special grade curse, Toge-kun. Be careful." (F/N) warned her classmate while being careful herself.

Mahito was sitting on a rooftop somewhere near the forest with Kumiya Juzo. "Well then, shall we get to work as well?" Mahito asked.

"I think I'll make a coat rack. Gojo Satoru is 190 cm tall, right?" The bald dude said.

"He would make a good coat rack. Oh! Also remember to not injure Fushiguro (F/N). We need her on our side because of her domain." Mahito said.

"Right." Anyways! Back to the 2 boys, they were still battling. Kinda like animals if you were to ask me. Kamo did another blow that cracked Megumi's other tonfas so he threw it away.

"A male shikigami user who can hold his own in close combat. How valuable! You've grown. That makes me happy. Your sister is an amazing teacher by the way you are acting. She taught you well." Kamo said.

"Why are you acting all familiar to me?" Megumi asked. "It's sympathy. You will one day become the pillar that supports the 3 big families with or without your sister, I don't know. I intend to kill Itadori Yuji." Kamo said.

"By Principal Gakuganji's orders?" Megumi asked. "No, this is my decision. As a member of the Kamo clan and the big 3 families, I believe it is the right thing to do. You and your sister should understand. You, Fushiguro siblings, and I are the same!" Kamo stated.

Megumi looked at him like he had grown 2 heads. "No we're not." Megumi denied. "Yes we are." Kamo said.

"No we're not! Please, you should bring that kind of stuff up with Zenin-senpai. (F/N) and myself no longer have any connections with the Zenin clan. Besides, I never thought of myself as doing the right thing. Actually, I'm sorry. I don't care if I'm right or wrong. I only believe in my conscience! I will follow my conscience and save people. If you disagree with that then let's agree to curse each other out!" 

Megumi stated back. Megumi's cursed energy then spiked, making Kamo on the edge. 

A shikigami then came from behind Kamo but it was a distraction and Kamo found out when Megumi dispelled it. 

"This uses a lot of cursed energy so I can only summon it once. I recently just tamed it with the help of (F/N)." Megumi said.

Megumi put his hands together and just like that, a huge, pink elephant appeared before him. 

As Kamo was thinking of a way to counter the shikigami, it sprayed water right at him. 

Blowing him right through the wall because of the pressure. Megumi released Max Elephant and put his hands together again. 

"NUE!" Megumi yelled. Nue used it's electrical wings and shocked Kamo. But before Nue could use its full potential, Kamo used his blood techniques and wrapped it around the owl.

"I CAN'T AFFORD TO LOSE!" Kamo yelled. Megumi jumped down to Kamo and was about to get at it when a root-like waterfall appeared. 

"Wha!?" Megumi questioned. "What is that!?" Kamo yelled. Megumi then saw his beloved sister and Inumaki. 

"Inumaki-senpai!? (F/N)!?" He yelled. "Run, Megumi! Kamo-senpai!" (F/N) screamed. "Run away!" Inumaki ordered.

Like they 2nd years said, the 2 boys below ran. With the baldie, he was also getting started. "Oh? Getting excited, huh? But cursed spirits don't leave anything behind when they die. I can't make anything from them. Hup!" 

He then used his axe to hammer in a nail into the ground. "Can I!? And then...Um...Oh, that's right. Emerge from darkness, blacker than darkness. Purify that which is impure." He muttered.

A curtain started to go down. "Ah, good. Good. The hanger rack. How exciting!" Baldie started to get really excited.

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