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It was now the next day. Us Tokyo folks said our goodbyes and see you next time to the Kyoto crowd. I exchanged a few words with the 2nd years and senpais from Kyoto. 

After that, they left and things went back to how they were before. 

I was walking around campus, doing nothing, when Megumi texted me saying that the 1st years are going on a mission somewhere near our hometown. 

I texted back saying good luck and to stay safe. I continued on with my walk when Gojo-sensei came to me. "(F/N)-chan!" He shouted.

"Yes? Do you need something?" I asked. "Yup! I got a mission for you. You will not be alone since this is a very dangerous mission. Your partner is a friend of mine. Nanami Kento! Nanamin!" He continued.

"Alright. Are we going to meet with him?" I asked. "Yup! Follow me!" Gojo-sensei said while starting to walk away.

In the end, we just wrapped there. I took a look at my surroundings. It looks to me like we're underground. 

"You're late." I looked to see where the voice came from. That was when my eyes landed on a figure with blonde hair and glasses. 

-He looks very serious.- "It's only for 5 minutes, Nanamin!" Gojo-sensei said. "Hm. Is this my partner?" The guy asked. "Ah! Yes it is!" 

I stepped forwards and bowed. "Nice to meet you. My name is Fushiguro (F/N). I'll be in your care and do my best." I said.

"Ah. Nice to meet you, Fushiguro-chan. The name's Nanami Kento." The male named Nanami said. "(F/N) is fine, Nanami-san." I corrected.

"Ok." He nodded. "Now that you know of each other, I'll get going! See ya later!" Gojo-sensei then wrapped away. Me and Nanami-san sighed at the same time.



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I turned to face him again. "So, what is our mission, Nanami-san?" I asked. 

"Our mission is to look for an unidentified special grade curse. He or it has a patchwork face." He said.

"I remember hearing about that description somewhere." I said thinking back. "I encountered it with Itadori-kun when Gojo-san told me to meteor him." Nanami-san said.

"When Yuji-kun was supposed to be dead?" I asked. "Yup. Anyways, let's get going." He contiued. "Got it." I nodded.

We started to walk. Well, more like me following Nanami-san. "Where are we starting?" I asked. 

"We will be starting at the school me and Itadori-kun fought at." He said. "Ok." I nodded.

When we resurfaced, we were met with Ijichi-san in his car. "Good day. I'll be driving you both to where you need to go." Ijichi-san said.

"Thank you." Nanami-san opened the door for me. "(F/N)-san." He said. "Thank you." 

I thanked him. I got in and he closed the door and sat in the passenger seat. 

The ride was silent until I spoke up. "Hey, Nanami-san?" I called out. "Yes, (F/N)-san?" He replied.

"Gojo-sensei told me that you are friends. How did you guys become friends in the first place?" I asked. 

"I don't consider Gojo-san as a friend. Especially with his personality. But we met in our high school years. He was a second year student when I was a first." He said.

"Haha. His personality is childish. Say can I ask 1 more question?" I said. "Sure." "What's your technique?" I asked.

Nanami-san went quiet before answering. "My technique is called. Ratio Technique. It grants me the ability to divide my target with lines and forcibly create a weak spot at the ratio point of seven to three. I'm a grade 1 sorcerer." 

"That's really cool!" I smiled. "Gojo-san didn't say a lot about you besides that you are a 2nd year student. What is your technique, (F/N)-san?" Nanami-san asked.

"My dad was a Zenin but he left the clan and changed his name to Fushiguro. I have 2 cursed techniques, the 10 Shadows Technique and Projection Sorcery." I said.

"That is very interesting. What grade are you?" He continued. "I'm a special grade 1." Nanami-san nodded.

Once we were at the school, we got out and looked around. "The damage is still here." I said. 

"Hm. Let's start off with looking for clues and residuals. Let's split up. I'll take everything from the West while you do the East." Nanami-san ordered.

"Got it!" We separated and did our task. I summoned Demon Dogs to help me. I look everywhere. 

I looked up, down, side to side, under things, over things, everything and everywhere. -There's nothing.- 

When I couldn't find anything, I went back to where we started and saw that Nanami-san was also there.

"Sorry, Nanami-san. Did I make you wait long?" I asked. "Not at all. Just a few minutes. Did you find anything?" He asked.

"Nope. I looked everywhere and saw nothing. That's why I came back." I explained. 

"I see. Let's go to the 2nd location. Maybe we'll find it there, which I think we will since I spotted him there multiple times." He said.

"And where is this next location?" I asked. "The seward." He replied. I flinched. "I-is that so?" I asked.

"Hm." He nodded. "Ok then." We got back into the car and went to the next location. -This is going to be one hell of a mission.-

Like before, once we made it, we left the car and were now standing at the entrance. -Man it stinks.- That aside, I felt a strong cursed energy present inside. 

-It's in here.- "It's in here, Nanami-san." I said. "You could feel the cursed energy?" He asked. "Yup." I nodded.

"Alright. Let's be prepared. I forgot to mention, the curse's technique is called Idle Transfiguration so avoid it touching you and it knows domain expansion." Nanami-san explained.

"Is that so?" I asked. "Hm." He nodded. "Alright." I summoned Demon Dogs again. "Let's do this!" I shouted.

And like that, we entered the seward. -Come at me, curse!- 

We walk in carefully and cautiously. The deeper we went, the darker it got. We then stopped when we entered a spacious place. 

"Oh? You're back jujutsu sorcerer? And you brought someone with you? Another jujutsu sorcerer? How wonderful!" A voice said.

We jumped back and looked at the voice. It was a curse with a patchwork face. -That's the curse!- 

He was sitting on a pipe on top of the wall. We got into stance and waited for him to attack first. 

"Oh? You wanna fight? Sure, why not. This will be the last exorcism battle of your life! HAHAHAHA!" 

The curse jumped from where he was sitting and started to attack. -LET'S DO THIS!-

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